Dec 9, 2020
1 fork
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highres = false
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metrics = [
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week = 0
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function value(d) {
// percent icu used out of total on average
return (+d["icu_beds_used_7_day_avg"] / +d["total_icu_beds_7_day_avg"]) * 100;
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hospitalDots = {
let canvas = d3
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";

scaleCanvas(canvas, ctx);

let projection = d3
.fitSize([width - 10, height], countyShapes);
// .geoEquirectangular()
// .fitWidth(width * 0.98, land)
// .translate([width / 2, height / 2]);

let path = d3

ctx.fillStyle = "#111";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, width);

ctx.fillStyle = "#555";
let r = 1;
// let r = 10;
.filter(d => {
let events = eventsByHospital.get(d.hospital_pk);
if (events) return value(events[week]) > 75;
.sort(function(a, b) {
let eventsA = eventsByHospital.get(a.hospital_pk);
let eventsB = eventsByHospital.get(b.hospital_pk);
if (!eventsA || !eventsB) return -1;
return value(eventsA[week]) - value(eventsB[week]);
.forEach(d => {
let p = projection([d.LONGITUDE, d.LATITUDE]);

// total_icu_beds_7_day_avg
// icu_beds_used_7_day_avg
// total_beds_7_day_avg
let events = eventsByHospital.get(d.hospital_pk);
// console.log(d, events);
// if (!events || !events.length) return;
if (events) {
let alpha = metricNormalize(value(events[week]));
r = metricRadius(value(events[week]));
let c = d3.rgb(colorScale(alpha));
// let c = d3.rgb("#fff");
ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(${[c.r, c.g, c.b]}, ${alpha}`;
// ctx.fillStyle = "#fff";

if (p) ctx.fillRect(p[0], p[1], r, r);

return canvas;
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metric = metrics[0]
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// colorScale = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateGreys)
colorScale = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateMagma)
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extent = d3.extent(eventsByHospital, d => value(d[1][week]))
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metricNormalize = d3
.range([0, 1])
// .domain(extent)
.domain([0, 101])
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metricRadius = d3
.range([0, 5])
// .domain(extent)
.domain([70, 101])
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import { countyShapes } from "@enjalot/us-county-datasets"
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import { scaleCanvas } from "@john-guerra/canvas-retina-display"
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hospitals = FileAttachment("hospitals-maplarge.csv").csv()
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hospitalsByPK = new Map( => [d.hospital_pk, d]))
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hhs = FileAttachment(
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hhs.filter(d => d.hospital_pk == "010108")
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// how many events per hospital (seems 18)
d3.rollup(hhs, v => v.length, d => d.hospital_pk)
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eventsByHospital =, d => d.hospital_pk)
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// how many events per county
d3.rollup(hhs, v => v.length, d => hospitalsByPK.get(d.hospital_pk).fips_code)
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d3 = require("d3@6", "d3-geo", "d3-geo-projection@3")
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mkdir data
curl > data/reported_hospital_capacity_admissions_facility-level_weekly_average_timeseries_20201207.csv
npm install d3
node slim.js

let fs = require("fs")
let d3 = require("d3")

let dir = "data/"
let filename = "reported_hospital_capacity_admissions_facility-level_weekly_average_timeseries_20201207.csv"
let txt = fs.readFileSync(dir + filename).toString().slice(1) // weird character at begin of file
let data = d3.csvParse(txt)

let todelete = "hospital_name,address,city,state,zip,fips_code,hospital_subtype,ccn,is_metro_micro".split(",")
Object.keys(data[0]).forEach(key => {
if(key.indexOf("previous_day") >= 0) {
todelete += "," + key
todelete = todelete.split(",")
console.log("todelete", todelete)

let slimmed = data
.filter(d => !!d.address)
// .filter(d => !!d.fips_code)
.map(function(d) {
let obj = {...d}
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
let v = obj[key]
if(v == "-999999" || v == "-999999.0") obj[key] = ""

// we can look up all these fields in the hospitals geocoded map
todelete.forEach(del => {
delete obj[del]
return obj

console.log("writing slimmed full file")
fs.writeFileSync(dir + "slimmed-" + filename, d3.csvFormat(slimmed))

// // let byStateFips = d3.rollup(data, v => v.length, d => d.fips_code.slice(0,2))
let byStateFips =, d => d.fips_code.slice(0,2))

let states = Array.from(byStateFips.keys())

states.forEach(state => {
let d = byStateFips.get(state)
console.log(state, d.length)
fs.writeFileSync(dir + state + "-slimmed-" + filename, d3.csvFormat(d))
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import { world } from "@d3/world-map"
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topojson = require("topojson-client@3")
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land = topojson.feature(world,
Insert cell

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