Oct 24, 2023
6 forks
72 stars
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Insert cell
data = [
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format = d3.format("$,.0f")
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linear = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, d3.max(data)])
.range(["white", "red"])
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chart(data, linear) // chart is a helper function defined in the Annex
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threshold = d3.scaleThreshold()
.domain([10000, 100000])
.range(["white", "pink", "red"])
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Insert cell
chart(data, threshold)
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chart(numericSort(data), linear) // numericSort is defined in the Annex below
Insert cell
chart(numericSort(data), threshold)
Insert cell
Insert cell
quantize = d3.scaleQuantize()
.domain(d3.extent(data)) // pass only the extreme values to a scaleQuantize’s domain
.range(["white", "pink", "red"])
Insert cell
chart(data, quantize)
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Insert cell
Insert cell
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Insert cell
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quantile = d3.scaleQuantile()
.domain(data) // pass the whole dataset to a scaleQuantile’s domain
.range(["white", "pink", "red"])
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chart(data, quantile)
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chart(numericSort(data), quantile)
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Insert cell
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jenks = d3
.domain([53440, 135096])
.range(["white", "pink", "red"])
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showScaleGrouping(data, {
scaleQuantile: quantile,
scaleThreshold: threshold,
scaleJenks: jenks,
scaleQuantize: quantize,
scaleQuantizeNice: quantize.copy().nice()
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function numericSort(x) {
return (
// ensure the array is not changed in-place
// comparator function that treats input as numeric
.sort((a, b) => a - b)
Insert cell
function chart(data, scale) {
const w = 30,
cols = Math.floor(Math.min(600, width) / w),
lines = Math.ceil(100 / cols);
const chart = d3
.attr("width", cols * w)
.attr("height", lines * w);

.attr("transform", "translate(2,2)")
.attr("style", "stroke:black; fill:white;")
.attr("width", w - 3)
.attr("height", w - 3)
.attr("x", (_, i) => w * (i % cols))
.attr("y", (_, i) => w * ((i / cols) | 0))
.style("fill", d => (scale ? scale(d) : "#ddd"));
return chart.node();
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function showScaleGrouping(data, scales) {
const margins = { left: 130 };
const x = d3
.range([margins.left, width - 5]);
const r = 3;
const rectHeight = 10;

const chart = svg`
<svg width=${width} height="${20 * (1.5 + Object.entries(scales).length)}"
style="font-family: sans-serif; alignment-baseline: middle; font-size:12px">
<g transform="translate(2,2)">
<text x="5" y=${5 + r}>Data</text>
d => `<circle r=${r} cx=${x(d)} cy=5 fill=black opacity="0.3" />`
<g transform="translate(2,30)">
${Object.entries(scales).map(([name, s], i) => {
const scaleCuts = s.thresholds
? s.thresholds()
: s.quantiles
? s.quantiles()
: s.domain();
const limits = [0, ...scaleCuts, d3.max(data)];
const boxLimits = limits
.slice(0, limits.length - 1)
.map((d, j) => [limits[j], limits[j + 1]]);
return (
`<text x="5" y=${(2 * i + 1) * rectHeight}>${name}</text>` +
(l, k) => `
<rect x=${x(l[0])} y=${i * 2 * rectHeight} height=10
width=${x(l[1]) - x(l[0])}
return chart;
Insert cell
simple = require("simple-statistics@7/dist/simple-statistics.min.js")
Insert cell
ckmeansThresholds = simple.ckmeans(data, 3).map(v => v.pop())
Insert cell

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