Jun 23, 2024
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old_geoblaze = require("geoblaze@2.6.1")
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new_geoblaze = require("geoblaze@latest")
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// GPM IMERG 1-Day Accumulated Precipitation Raster originally from
georaster = new_geoblaze.load("")
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GeoRasterLayer = require("georaster-layer-for-leaflet")
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// a very small rectangle in the Gulf of Mexico
aoi = ({
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[-92.525603, 23.776023],
[-92.525603, 23.790637],
[-92.511239, 23.790637],
[-92.511239, 23.776023],
[-92.525603, 23.776023 ]
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html`<link href='${resolve('leaflet@1.2.0/dist/leaflet.css')}' rel='stylesheet' />`
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L = require('leaflet@1.9.4')
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container = html`<div style="height:600px;">`
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map =
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L.tileLayer("https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {
attribution: "&copy; <a href=>OpenStreetMap</a> contributors"
const georasterLayer = new GeoRasterLayer({
const aoiLayer = L.geoJson(aoi).addTo(map);
yield map;
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// the older version of geoblaze doesn't do virtual resampling, so it thinks there's no intersecting pixels, because the AOI isn't large enough (technically speaking, doesn't intersect the middle half of a pixel's horizontal centerline)
old_geoblaze.stats(georaster, aoi)[0]
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// running the newer version of geoblaze with the virtual resampling multiplier set to "minimal" means the original pixels are virtually divided enough times to make sure at least one subpixel interesects the AOI. Specifically in this case, each pixel is virtually divided into 196 smaller subpixels and 4 of these subpixels intersect the AOI)
new_geoblaze.stats(georaster, aoi, undefined, undefined, { vrm: "minimal" })[0]
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// the older version of geoblaze doesn't do virtual resampling, so it doesn't find any intersecting pixels
old_geoblaze.median(georaster, aoi)
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// the newer version of geoblaze automatically applies virtual resampling when calling geoblaze.min, geoblaze.max, geoblaze.mean, geoblaze.median, geoblaze.mode, or geoblaze.sum
new_geoblaze.median(georaster, aoi)
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