Mar 13, 2022
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# Reproject a Map Tile using GeoWarp
with Sample Tile from [Stamen Maps](
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z = 11
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x = 327
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y = 791
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url = `${z}/${x}/${y}.jpg`
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loadImage = require("easy-image-loader@0.1.0")
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readPixels = require("read-pixels@0.4.0")
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pixels = readPixels({ data: img })
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proj4 = require("proj4")
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proj4js = "+proj=aea +lat_1=20 +lat_2=60 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs "
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proj4obj = proj4("EPSG:3857", proj4js)
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inverse = proj4obj.inverse
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forward = proj4obj.forward
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geowarp = import("").then(module => module.default)
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tilebelt = import('')
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reprojectBoundingBox = require("reproject-bbox")
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bbox4326 = tilebelt.tileToBBOX([x, y, z]);
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bbox3857 = reprojectBoundingBox({ bbox: bbox4326, from: 4326, to: 3857 });
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out_bbox = reprojectBoundingBox({ bbox: bbox3857, from: 3857, to: proj4js })
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typeof inverse
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height = pixels.height
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width = pixels.width
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warped = geowarp({
in_bbox: bbox3857,
in_data: pixels.pixels,
in_height: height,
in_layout: "[row,column,band]",
in_pixel_depth: 4,
in_srs: 3857,
in_width: width,
out_height: height,
out_layout: "[row,column,band]",
out_no_data: 0,
out_srs: proj4js,
out_width: width,
round: true,
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new Set(
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toCanvas = require("to-canvas@0.1.0")
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toCanvas({ data:, height, width })
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