Aug 12, 2022
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canvas = {
const aspectRatio = 0.7;
const c = DOM.canvas(width * (devicePixelRatio || 1), width * aspectRatio * (devicePixelRatio || 1)); = `${width}px`; = `${width * aspectRatio}px`;
return c;
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let tick = 0;

const camera = reglCamera(regl, {
element: canvas,
center: [0, 0, 0],
theta: -Math.PI / 2,
phi: Math.PI / 12,
distance: 3.0,
damping: 0.5,
renderOnDirty: false,
zoomSpeed: 0
// Continuously updates
regl.frame(() => {
camera(function () {
// Clears the canvas first
regl.clear({ color: [0, 0.1, 0.26, 1] });

// Get the next particle textures

// Draws the background globe
drawGlobe({ tick, texScreen: screenTextures[0] });

// Increments tick
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drawGlobe = regl({
frag: `
precision mediump float;
varying vec2 vertex;
uniform sampler2D tex, texScreen;

void main () {
gl_FragColor = texture2D(tex, vertex) + texture2D(texScreen, vec2(vertex.x, 1.0 - vertex.y)) / 1.8;

vert: `
precision mediump float;
attribute vec2 uv;
attribute vec3 position;
varying vec2 vertex;
uniform float tick;
uniform vec3 axis;
uniform mat4 projection, view;
const float PI = 3.14159;

vec3 quatRotate(vec3 v){
float turn = -0.05 * tick * PI / 180.0;
vec4 q = vec4(axis * sin(turn), cos(turn));
return v + 2.0 * cross(, cross(, v) + q.w * v);

void main () {
vertex = uv.xy;
gl_Position = projection * view * vec4(quatRotate(position.xzy), 1.0);

attributes: {
position: sphereMesh.vertices,
uv: sphereMesh.uvs,

uniforms: {
tex: regl.texture(texEarth),
texScreen: regl.prop('texScreen'),
tick: regl.prop("tick"),
axis: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]

elements: sphereMesh.faces
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updateParticleScreen = () => {
const backgroundTexture = screenTextures[0];
const screenTexture = screenTextures[1];

// draw the screen into a temporary framebuffer to retain it as the background on the next frame
framebuffer({ color: screenTexture });

framebuffer.use(function () {
drawScreenTexture({ texture: backgroundTexture, blend: false, opacity: 0.95, quadBuffer });
windMin: [windData.uMin, windData.vMin],
windMax: [windData.uMax, windData.vMax],
particleStateTexture: particleStateTextures[0],
windTexture: regl.texture(texWind),

// enable blending to support drawing on top of an existing background (e.g. a map)
//drawScreenTexture({ texture: screenTexture, blend: true, opacity: 0.5, quadBuffer });

// save the current screen as the background for the next frame
const temp = backgroundTexture;
screenTextures[0] = screenTexture;
screenTextures[1] = temp;
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drawScreenTexture = regl({
frag: `
precision highp float;

uniform sampler2D u_screen;
uniform float u_opacity;

varying vec2 v_tex_pos;

void main() {
vec4 color = texture2D(u_screen, 1.0 - v_tex_pos);
// a hack to guarantee opacity fade out even with a value close to 1.0
gl_FragColor = vec4(floor(255.0 * color * u_opacity) / 255.0);

vert: `
precision mediump float;
attribute vec2 a_pos;
varying vec2 v_tex_pos;

void main() {
v_tex_pos = a_pos;
gl_Position = vec4(1.0 - 2.0 * a_pos, 0, 1);

blend: {
enable: regl.prop('blend'),
func: {
srcRGB: 'src alpha',
srcAlpha: 1,
dstRGB: 'one minus src alpha',
dstAlpha: 1

viewport: {
width: canvas.width,
height: canvas.height

depth: {
enable: false
stencil: {
enable: false
attributes: {
a_pos: regl.prop('quadBuffer')

uniforms: {
u_opacity: regl.prop('opacity'),
u_screen: regl.prop('texture')
primitive: 'triangles',
count: 6,
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drawParticleTexture = regl({
primitive: 'points',
count: numberOfParticles,
viewport: {
width: canvas.width,
height: canvas.height

depth: {
enable: false
stencil: {
enable: false

vert: `
precision highp float;
attribute float a_index;
uniform sampler2D u_particles;
uniform float u_particles_res;
varying vec2 v_particle_pos;
const vec2 bitEnc = vec2(1.,255.);
const vec2 bitDec = 1./bitEnc;
// decode particle position from pixel RGBA
vec2 fromRGBA(const vec4 color) {
vec4 rounded_color = floor(color * 255.0 + 0.5) / 255.0;
float x = dot(rounded_color.rg, bitDec);
float y = dot(, bitDec);
return vec2(x, y);
void main() {
vec4 color = texture2D(u_particles, vec2(
fract(a_index / u_particles_res),
floor(a_index / u_particles_res) / u_particles_res));
// decode current particle position from the pixel's RGBA value
v_particle_pos = fromRGBA(color);
gl_PointSize = 1.0;
gl_Position = vec4(2.0 * v_particle_pos.x - 1.0, 1.0 - 2.0 * v_particle_pos.y, 0, 1);
frag: `
precision highp float;

uniform sampler2D u_wind;
uniform vec2 u_wind_min;
uniform vec2 u_wind_max;
uniform sampler2D u_color_ramp;
varying vec2 v_particle_pos;
void main() {
vec2 velocity = mix(u_wind_min, u_wind_max, texture2D(u_wind, v_particle_pos).rg);
float speed_t = length(velocity) / length(u_wind_max);
// color ramp is encoded in a 16x16 texture
vec2 ramp_pos = vec2(
fract(16.0 * speed_t),
floor(16.0 * speed_t) / 16.0);
gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_color_ramp, ramp_pos);

attributes: {
a_index: regl.prop('particleIndexBuffer')

uniforms: {
u_wind: regl.prop('windTexture'),
u_particles: regl.prop('particleStateTexture'),
u_color_ramp: regl.prop('colorRampTexture'),

u_particles_res: regl.prop('particleStateResolution'),
u_wind_min: regl.prop('windMin'),
u_wind_max: regl.prop('windMax'),
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updateParticleTexture = () => {
framebuffer({ color: particleStateTextures[1] });

framebuffer.use(function () {
windTexture: regl.texture(texWind),
particleStateTexture: particleStateTextures[0],
windRes: [windData.width, windData.height],
windMin: [windData.uMin, windData.vMin],
windMax: [windData.uMax, windData.vMax],
speedFactor: 0.25,
dropRate: 0.003,
dropRateBump: 0.01
// swap the particle state textures so the new one becomes the current one
const temp = particleStateTextures[0];
particleStateTextures[0] = particleStateTextures[1];
particleStateTextures[1] = temp;
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updateParticles = regl({
frag: `
precision highp float;
uniform sampler2D u_particles;
uniform sampler2D u_wind;
uniform vec2 u_wind_res;
uniform vec2 u_wind_min;
uniform vec2 u_wind_max;
uniform float u_rand_seed;
uniform float u_speed_factor;
uniform float u_drop_rate;
uniform float u_drop_rate_bump;
varying vec2 v_tex_pos;
const vec2 bitEnc = vec2(1.,255.);
const vec2 bitDec = 1./bitEnc;
// decode particle position from pixel RGBA
vec2 fromRGBA(const vec4 color) {
vec4 rounded_color = floor(color * 255.0 + 0.5) / 255.0;
float x = dot(rounded_color.rg, bitDec);
float y = dot(, bitDec);
return vec2(x, y);
// encode particle position to pixel RGBA
vec4 toRGBA (const vec2 pos) {
vec2 rg = bitEnc * pos.x;
rg = fract(rg);
rg -= rg.yy * vec2(1. / 255., 0.);
vec2 ba = bitEnc * pos.y;
ba = fract(ba);
ba -= ba.yy * vec2(1. / 255., 0.);
return vec4(rg, ba);
// pseudo-random generator
const vec3 rand_constants = vec3(12.9898, 78.233, 4375.85453);
float rand(const vec2 co) {
float t = dot(rand_constants.xy, co);
return fract(sin(t) * (rand_constants.z + t));

// wind speed lookup; use manual bilinear filtering based on 4 adjacent pixels for smooth interpolation
vec2 lookup_wind(const vec2 uv) {
// return texture2D(u_wind, uv).rg; // lower-res hardware filtering
vec2 px = 1.0 / u_wind_res;
vec2 vc = (floor(uv * u_wind_res)) * px;
vec2 f = fract(uv * u_wind_res);
vec2 tl = texture2D(u_wind, vc).rg;
vec2 tr = texture2D(u_wind, vc + vec2(px.x, 0)).rg;
vec2 bl = texture2D(u_wind, vc + vec2(0, px.y)).rg;
vec2 br = texture2D(u_wind, vc + px).rg;
return mix(mix(tl, tr, f.x), mix(bl, br, f.x), f.y);
void main() {
vec4 color = texture2D(u_particles, v_tex_pos);
vec2 pos = fromRGBA(color);
vec2 velocity = mix(u_wind_min, u_wind_max, lookup_wind(pos));
float speed_t = length(velocity) / length(u_wind_max);
// take EPSG:4236 distortion into account for calculating where the particle moved
float distortion = 1.0; //cos(radians(pos.y * 180.0 - 90.0));
vec2 offset = vec2(velocity.x / distortion, -velocity.y) * 0.0001 * u_speed_factor;
// update particle position, wrapping around the date line
pos = fract(1.0 + pos + offset);
// a random seed to use for the particle drop
vec2 seed = (pos + v_tex_pos) * u_rand_seed;
// drop rate is a chance a particle will restart at random position, to avoid degeneration
float drop_rate = u_drop_rate + speed_t * u_drop_rate_bump;
float drop = step(1.0 - drop_rate, rand(seed));
vec2 random_pos = vec2(
rand(seed + 1.3),
rand(seed + 2.1));
pos = mix(pos, random_pos, drop);
// encode the new particle position back into RGBA
gl_FragColor = toRGBA(pos);

vert: `
precision mediump float;
attribute vec2 a_pos;
varying vec2 v_tex_pos;
void main() {
v_tex_pos = a_pos;
gl_Position = vec4(1.0 - 2.0 * a_pos, 0, 1);
primitive: 'triangles',
count: 6,
viewport: {
width: particleStateResolution,
height: particleStateResolution

depth: {
enable: false
stencil: {
enable: false

attributes: {
a_pos: regl.prop('quadBuffer')

uniforms: {
u_wind: regl.prop('windTexture'),
u_particles: regl.prop('particleStateTexture'),
u_rand_seed: () => Math.random(),
u_wind_res: regl.prop('windRes'),
u_wind_min: regl.prop('windMin'),
u_wind_max: regl.prop('windMax'),
u_speed_factor: regl.prop('speedFactor'),
u_drop_rate: regl.prop('dropRate'),
u_drop_rate_bump: regl.prop('dropRateBump'),
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sphereMeshFn = function (radius, nphi, ntheta) {
let vertices = [];
let faces = [];
let uvs = [];
let normals = [];
for (let i = 0; i <= nphi; i++) {
let phi = Math.PI/nphi * i;
for (let j = 0; j <= ntheta; j++) {
let theta = Math.PI * 2 / ntheta * j;
let normal = [Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(theta), Math.sin(phi) * Math.sin(theta), Math.cos(phi)]
vertices.push( => x * radius));
uvs.push([1 - (j / ntheta), (i / nphi)]);
if (i < nphi && j < ntheta) {
[i * (ntheta + 1) + j, (i + 1) * (ntheta + 1) + j, (i + 1) * (ntheta + 1) + j + 1],
[i * (ntheta + 1) + j, (i + 1) * (ntheta + 1) + j + 1, i * (ntheta + 1) + j + 1])
return { vertices, faces, uvs, normals }
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sphereMesh = sphereMeshFn(1, 30, 60)
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regl = createRegl(canvas)
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rampColors = ({
0.0: '#3288bd',
0.1: '#66c2a5',
0.2: '#abdda4',
0.3: '#e6f598',
0.4: '#fee08b',
0.5: '#fdae61',
0.6: '#f46d43',
1.0: '#d53e4f'
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colorRampTexture = {
const getColorRamp = (colors) => {
const canvas = DOM.canvas(256, 1);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

const gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 256, 0);
for (const stop in colors) {
gradient.addColorStop(+stop, colors[stop]);

ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 256, 1);

return new Uint8Array(ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 256, 1).data);
return regl.texture({
data: getColorRamp(rampColors),
width: 16,
height: 16,
mag: 'linear',
min: 'linear',
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particleStateResolution = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(numberOfParticles));
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numberOfParticles = 65536
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framebuffer = regl.framebuffer({
depthStencil: false,
colorCount: 1,
colorFormat: 'rgba',
colorType: 'uint8'
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quadBuffer = regl.buffer(new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]));
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screenTextures = {
const emptyPixels = new Uint8Array(canvas.width * canvas.height * 4);
return [
// Screen textures to hold the drawn screen for the previous and the current frame
data: emptyPixels,
mag: 'nearest',
min: 'nearest',
width: canvas.width,
height: canvas.height
data: emptyPixels,
mag: 'nearest',
min: 'nearest',
width: canvas.width,
height: canvas.height
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particleStateTextures = {
const particleState = new Uint8Array(numberOfParticles * 4)
.map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)); // randomize the initial particle positions
return [
data: particleState,
width: particleStateResolution,
height: particleStateResolution,
mag: 'nearest',
min: 'nearest',
data: particleState,
width: particleStateResolution,
height: particleStateResolution,
mag: 'nearest',
min: 'nearest',
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particleIndexBuffer = {
const particleIndices = new Float32Array(numberOfParticles);
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++) {
particleIndices[i] = i;
return regl.buffer(particleIndices);
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texEarth = FileAttachment("earth.png").image()
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texWind = FileAttachment("2020040100.png").image()
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windData = FileAttachment("2020040100.json").json()
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createRegl = require('regl@2/dist/regl.js')
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reglCamera = require('')
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