md`These data visualizations seek to give us a clearer picture of the behaviors of car drivers in different states in the US. I sought to answer this question using 3 different types of data: the number of drivers involved in fatal collisions per billion miles, the percentage of fatal accidents due to speeding, and the percentage of fatal accidents due to alcohol impairment. These three measures vary a lot across the country, but North Dakota seemed to appear in most visualizations as one of the states with high occurrences of fatal accidents. It has the highest number of drivers involved in fatal collisions per billion miles, tied with South Carolina. DC, Massachusetts and Minnesota seemed to have the fewest number of drivers involved in fatal collisions per billion miles with 5.9, 8.2 and 9.6 respectively. With regards to the fatal collisions which were caused by speeding, Hawaii has the highest percentage with 54, followed by Pennsylvania with a percentage of 50. The state with the lowest percentage of speeding drivers causing accidents were Florida and Tenessee, each with 21. We notice that Massachusetts and Minnesota also have very low percentages of 23 each. With regards to collisions caused by alcohol impairment, Montana has the highest percentage of 44, followed by North Dakota with 42, and South Carolina and Hawaii with 41 each. The states with the lowest percentages turned out to be Utah, Kentucky and Alaska. From this little analysis based on the parameters earlier mentioned, we see that North Dakota turned out to be the state with the highest number of drivers involved in fatal collisions per billion miles, with a high percentage of these drivers being impaired by alcohol. This also applies to South Carolina. Because it’s an irresponsible behavior, alcohol consumption is a good indicator of who’s a bad driver, and we can deduce, solely from these visualizations, that North Dakota and South Carolina have the worst drivers`