viewof effect_sizes = cell(`
//Studies reviewed by Shin and Lee
nr_studies_shin_lee = 38
mean_shin_lee = 0.442
ci_shin_lee = [0.240, 0.644]
standard_error_shin_lee = (ci_shin_lee[1]-ci_shin_lee[0])/(2*1.96)
std_shin_lee = pow(nr_studies_shin_lee,1/2)*standard_error_shin_lee
effects_shin_lee = normal(mean_shin_lee,std_shin_lee)
//Effect size for the Incredible Years program reviewed by Menting et al.
effects_menting = normal_from_ci(0.15,0.31)
//Additional studies reviewed by Mesurado et al.
additional_studies_mesurado = mx(normal(0.058,0.278), normal(0.038,0.287), normal(0.679,0.152), normal(0.54,0.313))
//mean scores on the self-report measure of prosocial behavior.
//m stands for mean, post stands for post-test, pre stands for pre-test, t stands for the treatment group, c stands for the control group
m_post_t =4.80
m_pre_t = 4.08
m_post_c = 4.84
m_pre_c = 4.62
//standard deviations of the pre-test scores
sd_pre_t = 1.28
sd_pre_c = 1.41
// number of participants in the treatment group (n_t) and the control group (n_c)
n_t = 43
n_c = 32
// correlation between pre-test scores and post-test scores
rho = 0.47
effect_size_estimate_baumsteiger = effect_size_ppc(m_post_t,m_pre_t,m_post_c,m_pre_c,sd_pre_t,sd_pre_c,n_t,n_c)
se_effect_size_estimate = se_effect_size_ppc(m_post_t,m_pre_t,m_post_c,m_pre_c,sd_pre_t,sd_pre_c,n_t,n_c,rho)
effect_baumsteiger = normal(effect_size_estimate_baumsteiger,se_effect_size_estimate)
//The number of interventions covered by each of the three meta-analyses
nr_interventions = [33,1,4,1]
g_max_mesurado1 = max(normal(0.058,0.278), normal(0.038,0.287))
g_max_mesurado2 = max(normal(0.679,0.152), normal(0.54,0.313))
g_max_mesurado = max(g_mesurado1,g_mesurado2)
g_max_menting_shin = max(normal(mean_shin_lee,std_shin_lee), effects_menting)
g_max_prosocial = max(g_max_mesurado, g_max_menting_shin)
`, cea_functions,{distributionChartSettings: {showSummary: true}})