Oct 27, 2021
1 fork
1 star
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geoblaze = require('geoblaze@0.3.2')
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Plotly = require("")
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L = require('leaflet@1.2.0')
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lodash = require("lodash")
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chroma = require("")
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### Loading spatial data

Loading raster spatial data (geotif) from github repository using `georaster`. This raster has information about air pollution (pm<2.5) for brazilian's Amazon region.

* `georaster_july` has mean value for July 2020's;
* `georastertimeSeries` has mean values for July, August, September and October;
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georaster_july = geoblaze.load("")
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georastertimeSeries = geoblaze.load("")
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### Inspecting loaded data

Once loaded, we can present the rasters using `toCanvas()` function.

Remember that `georaster_july` has only one band and `georastertimeSeries` has four bands, which explains the differences in contrast between each figure.
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georaster_july.toCanvas({width: georaster_july.width, height: georaster_july.height})
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georastertimeSeries.toCanvas({width: georastertimeSeries.width, height: georastertimeSeries.height})
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### Sowing data on leaflet

So far, so good. But, how can we go further?
Just presenting the raster is fine, but our challenge is much bigger: plot in a dinamic webmap, retrieve statistics from raster band according to other spatial objects... So, let's go!

First I will retrieve from [nominatim (OSM)]() Acre's boundering as `geojson`.
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html`<link href='${resolve('leaflet@1.2.0/dist/leaflet.css')}' rel='stylesheet' />`
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acre = {
let response = await fetch('');
let json = await response.json();
return json[0].geojson
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### Using georaster with leaflet
Now lets build our webmap:
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amazonMap = {
let container = DOM.element('div', { style: `width:${width}px;height:${width/1.6}px` });
yield container;
let map =;
let osmLayer = L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.png', {
attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
let acreLayer = L.geoJson(acre, {
weight: 2,
color: '#432'

var july_layer = new GeoRasterLayer({
georaster: georaster_july,
opacity: .7

map.on('click', function(evt) {
var latlng = map.mouseEventToLatLng(evt.originalEvent);
alert(geoblaze.identify(georaster_july, [latlng.lng,]));

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### Extracting pm<2.5 values for Acre
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AC_means = geoblaze.mean(georastertimeSeries, acre)
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### Ploting result with plotly
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x = lodash.range(7, 10 + 1).map(month => `${2020}-${month}`)
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var trace = {
type: "scatter",
mode: "lines",
name: 'y',
x: x,
y: AC_means,
line: {color: '#FF0000'}
var data = [trace];
var layout = {
title: 'Mean Monthly Air Polution (pm<2.5) for Acre state',
width: width
const div = DOM.element('div');
Plotly.newPlot(div, data, layout);
return div;
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