Mar 29, 2019
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layout_demoModel = data => boxmodel()
.edgeMargins(d => {
return config_demoModel.edgeMargins;
//if(d.parent) return config_demoModel.edgeMargins;
//else return false;
.spanHeight(d => false).isContainer(d => true)
.padding(d => {
let p = Object.assign({}, config_demoModel.padding);
return p;
.margin(d => {
let m = Object.assign({}, config_demoModel.margin);
return m;
.minContainerSize(d => {
let w = config_demoModel.minContainerSize.width;
let h = config_demoModel.minContainerSize.height;
return {width: w, height: h};
.maxLineWidth(d => {
let w = config_demoModel.maxLineWidth;
return w;
.nodeSize(d => {
let w = 0, h = 0;
return {width: w, height: h};
Insert cell
Insert cell
root_demoModel = layout_demoModel(data_demoModel);
Insert cell
data_demoModel = ({
children: [{children:[{}]},{children:[{}]},{children:[{}]},{children:[{}]}]
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
config_demoPyramid = ({ padding: {left: 6, right: 6, top: 0, bottom: 16}, vAlign: 'middle',
margin: {left: 4, right: 4, top: 0, bottom: 16}, edgeMargins: true,
minContainerSize: {width: 16, height: 16}, maxLineWidth: 1200});
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
function boxmodel() {
// v.1.2.1 | by Peter Hofmann, 03/2019
let isContainer,
let padding,
const lineMap = [];
function compute(root) {
return root;
compute.vAlign = function(x) {
return arguments.length ? (vAlign = x, compute) : vAlign;
compute.edgeMargins = function(x) {
return arguments.length ? (edgeMargins = typeof x === 'function' ? x : constant(+x), compute) : edgeMargins;
compute.isContainer = function(x) {
return arguments.length ? (isContainer = typeof x === 'function' ? x : constant(+x), compute) : isContainer;
compute.spanHeight = function(x) {
return arguments.length ? (spanHeight = typeof x === 'function' ? x : constant(+x), compute) : spanHeight;
compute.padding = function(x) {
return arguments.length ? (padding = typeof x === 'function' ? x : constant(+x), compute) : padding;
compute.margin = function(x) {
return arguments.length ? (margin = typeof x === 'function' ? x : constant(+x), compute) : margin;
compute.nodeSize = function(x) {
return arguments.length ? (nodeSize = typeof x === 'function' ? x : constant(+x), compute) : nodeSize;
compute.minContainerSize = function(x) {
return arguments.length ? (minContainerSize = typeof x === 'function' ? x : constant(+x), compute) : minContainerSize;
compute.maxLineWidth = function(x) {
return arguments.length ? (maxLineWidth = typeof x === 'function' ? x : constant(+x), compute) : maxLineWidth;
// --------------
// Main functions
function scaleNode(node) {
// set size to fixed definition by default
let w = nodeSize(node).width, h = nodeSize(node).height;
if (isContainer(node)) {
w = h = 0; // containers have no fixed size, so we nullify
if (node.children) {
// For non-empty containers, size and margin between children must be summed up.
// To do this, we need to determine when a line of children widths/margins surpasses maxLineWidth
// and if so, add to an array that stores this line width as well as the interval of child indizes
const lines = generateLines(node);
// now loop through all lines and their elements to calculate the line heights
for (let l = 0; l < lines.length; l++) {
lines[l].height = calcLineHeight(node,lines,l); // add as line property
// add line array to a global line map
lineMap.push({box: node, lines: lines});
// add the largest of all line widths to the width
w += d3.max(lines, l => l.width);
// add the sum of all line heights to the height
h += d3.sum(lines, l => l.height);
// no specified size => combined padding OR minSize (if paddings smaller)
w += padding(node).left + padding(node).right;
h += padding(node).top + padding(node).bottom;
w = Math.max(w, minContainerSize(node).width);
h = Math.max(h, minContainerSize(node).height);
// finally, assign w/h to node coordinates
node.x0 = node.y0 = 0;
node.x1 = w, node.y1 = h;
} // ------ end scaleNode() -------
function scaleToParent(node) {
// spanHeight and other scaling operations that refer to container/line size
// can only be realized after all container scaling has been done
let h = node.y1;
// if element spans height of its container/line, calculate new height
if (node.parent && spanHeight(node)) {
h = getOwnLine(node).height;
const parentLines = getLines(node.parent);
const lineIndex = getLineIndex(node, parentLines);

h -= !edgeMargins(node) && lineIndex === 0 ? 0 : margin(node).top;
h -= !edgeMargins(node) && lineIndex === (parentLines.length-1) ? 0 : margin(node).bottom;
// now adjust the line heights accordingly by distributing the excess height
const heightDiff = h - node.y1;
if (isContainer(node) && node.children && heightDiff > 0) {
const lines = getLines(node);
const excess = heightDiff / lines.length;
for (const line of lines) {
line.height += excess;
node.y1 = h;
function positionNode(node) {
const w = node.x1 - node.x0;
const h = node.y1 - node.y0;
if (node.parent) {
// y-position children relative to parent container y + padding
node.y0 = node.parent.y0 + padding(node.parent).top;
const order = node.parent.children.indexOf(node);
if (order === 0 || lineBreak(node)) {
// x-position 1. children (of line) relative to parent container x + padding
node.x0 += node.parent.x0 + padding(node.parent).left;
if (edgeMargins(node)) node.x0 += margin(node).left;
else {
// all subsequent children can be x-positioned relative to their left neighbour
const neighbourLeft = node.parent.children[order-1];
node.x0 = neighbourLeft.x1;
// margins of both children are collapsed to the max value
node.x0 += Math.max( margin(neighbourLeft).right, margin(node).left );
} // if no parent, position is dependent only on vertical alignment
else {
switch (vAlign) {
case 'top':
node.y0 = 0;
case 'middle':
node.y0 = h/2;
case 'bottom':
node.y0 = h;
// shift height in middle and bottom alignments
// for children, add vertical margins and also shift to the y-position of their line
switch (vAlign) {
case 'top':
if (node.parent) {
const lineIndex = getLineIndex(node);
node.y0 += !edgeMargins(node) && lineIndex === 0 ? 0 : margin(node).top;
node.y0 += calcLineShift(node);
case 'middle':
if (node.parent) node.y0 += calcLineShift(node) + getOwnLine(node).height/2;
node.y0 -= h/2;
case 'bottom':
if (node.parent) {
const lines = getLines(node.parent), lineIndex = getLineIndex(node, lines);
node.y0 -= !edgeMargins(node) && lineIndex === (lines.length-1) ? 0 : margin(node).bottom;
node.y0 += calcLineShift(node, true);
node.y0 -= h;
// last, assign w/h shift to coordinates
node.x1 = node.x0 + w;
node.y1 = node.y0 + h;
} // ------ end positionNode() -------
// -------------------
// Essential functions
function generateLines(node) {
const lines = [];
let lineWidth = 0, flexHeight = false, startIndex = 0, newLine = true;
node.children.forEach( (child,i) => {
// determine if at least one of the children in a line has a property to span container height
if (spanHeight(child) && !flexHeight) flexHeight = true;
// add width of each child
lineWidth += (child.x1 - child.x0);

// add largest of the two margins between children and left outer margin (if edgeMargins true)
lineWidth += newLine ? (edgeMargins(child) ? margin(child).left : 0) :
Math.max(margin(child).left, margin(node.children[i-1]).right);
// right margin is only added at the end of a line (if edgeMargins true)
const marginRight = edgeMargins(child) ? margin(child).right : 0;
if (lineWidth + marginRight > maxLineWidth(node) || i === node.children.length-1)
lineWidth += marginRight;

// line breaks if maxLineWidth is surpassed or it's the last one
if (lineWidth > maxLineWidth(node) || i === node.children.length-1) {
// if true, add child interval to lines array and save line width
lines.push({from: startIndex, to: i, width: lineWidth, flexHeight: flexHeight});
// if not last line, reset variables
if (i < node.children.length-1) startIndex = i+1, lineWidth = 0, flexHeight = false, newLine = true;
else newLine = false;
return lines;
function calcLineHeight(node, lines, lineIndex) {
const line = lines[lineIndex];
let lineHeight = 0;
for (let i = line.from; i <=; i++) {
const child = node.children[i];
// calculate the raw children height
const childH = child.y1 - child.y0;
// add vertical margins between children and (if edgeMargins true) outer vertical margins
// note: collapsing individual vertical margins is too messy and complicated, so I left this out
const marginsVert = (!edgeMargins(child) && lineIndex===0 ? 0 :
margin(child).top) +
(!edgeMargins(child) && lineIndex===(lines.length-1) ? 0 :
// set line height if it surpasses line height of previous childs
if (childH + marginsVert > lineHeight) lineHeight = childH + marginsVert;
return Math.max(lineHeight, minContainerSize(node).height);
// ----------------
// Helper functions
function getLines(node) {
return lineMap[lineMap.findIndex(m => === node)].lines;
function getLineIndex(node, parentLines) {
if (node.parent) {
const lines = (arguments.length > 1) ? parentLines : getLines(node.parent);
const index = node.parent.children.indexOf(node);
return lines.findIndex(l => { return (index >= l.from) && (index <=; });
return null;
function getOwnLine(node) {
const lines = getLines(node.parent);
const lineIndex = getLineIndex(node, lines);
return lines[lineIndex];
function calcLineShift(node, include = false) {
if (node.parent) {
const lines = getLines(node.parent);
const lineIndex = getLineIndex(node, lines);
const lineTo = include ? lineIndex : lineIndex-1;
return d3.sum(lines.filter( (l,i) => (i <= lineTo) ), l => l.height);
return null;
function lineBreak(node) {
if (node.parent) {
const index = node.parent.children.indexOf(node);
const lines = getLines(node.parent);
const line = lines[getLineIndex(node, lines)];
return line.from === index;
return null;

function constant(x) { // from D3 source
return function() {
return x;
return compute;
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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