wdWrapper (
config: {skin:'professional',fit2pane: 1, hbounds: [0,12.5],
'.blueVoltageLine{stroke:#0000ff;stroke-width:0.3px;stroke-dasharray:2}' +
head: {text: 'Arbitrary Text Labels using the <i>tl</i> Feature'},
signal: [
{ wave: ['tl', {coords: [0,0.5], text: 'Lower 8 bits of the 16-Bit MCount', tlStyle: 'text-anchor:start;' } ] },
{ name: 'MCount', wave: '2222222222222', data: ['FE', 'FF', '00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '0A'] }
{name: 'UART Example', 'wave': '104.......1u', 'data': ['data'], id: 'uart'},
{name: 'CLK1', wave: '0101010101010101', id: 'clk1'},
{name: 'CLK2', wave: '0101010101010101', node:'..M', id: 'clk2'},
{wave: '<z>', phase: -8.5, skinStyle: 'stroke-dasharray:1,3', id: 'annoz'},
{wave: '0101010101010101', phase:-.4, skinStyle: 'stroke-dasharray:1,3', overlayOnLane: 'clk2'},
{wave: ['pw', { d: ['m',0,0.2, 'L',18,0.2, 'M',0,0.8, 'L',18,0.8], pwClass: 'blueVoltageLine', }, ], overlayOnLane: 'clk1' },
{wave: ['tl', { coords: [0,0.2], text: 'V<sub>IL</sub>', tlClass: 'vAnnoStyle' } ], overlayOnLane: 'clk1' },
{wave: ['tl', { coords: [0,0.8], text: 'V<sub>IH</sub>', tlClass: 'vAnnoStyle' } ], overlayOnLane: 'clk1' },
{wave: ['pw', { d: ['m',0,-0.1, 'L',18,-0.1], pwClass: 'blueVoltageLine', pwStyle: 'stroke:black' }, ], overlayOnLane: 'clk2' },
{wave: ['pw', { d: ['M',0,1.1, 'L',18,1.1], pwClass: 'blueVoltageLine', pwStyle: 'stroke:red' }, ], overlayOnLane: 'clk2' },
{wave: ['tl', { coords: [0,-0.43], text: 'V<sub>SS</sub>', tlClass: 'vAnnoStyle' } ], overlayOnLane: 'clk2' },
{wave: ['tl', { coords: [0,1.43], text: 'V<sub>DD</sub>', tlClass: 'vAnnoStyle' } ], overlayOnLane: 'clk2' },
{overlayOnLane: 'uart', wave: [
'tl', { coords: [1.65,.5], text: 'Start'},
'tl', { coords: [10.65,.5], text: 'ACK'},
{wave: ['tl', { coords: [13,0.5], avoidBBox: true,
text: 'Clock with added internal delay', tlStyle: 'font-size:10;text-anchor:end' } ], overlayOnLane: 'annoz' },