config: {
skin: 'professional', hscale: 1, marks: true, hbounds: [0,18.5],
customStyle: '.arc_path{stroke-dasharray:1}' +
'.greenEdge{stroke:green;stroke-dasharray:0}' +
'.redEdge{stroke:red;}' +
'.greenArrow{fill:green;stroke:green}' +
fit2pane: true,wrapSvgInImg: 0,
head:{tick:0, text: "Timing Diagram Coordinates Scheme"},
signal: [
{name: 'SCK-1', wave: '0<.>1<.>'.repeat(8),
node: '.<.>A<.>B..C<.>D', period: 1, phase: 0.1, id: 'sck1' },
{name: 'CS#-1', wave: '0......<.>.......1.0...', phase: 0.25, overrideGapsPhase: -0.5, id: 'cs'},
{node: '........E', phase: -0.7},
{name: 'SO-1', wave:'<z>' + '.<x>='.repeat(10), phase: .7, id: 'so1',
node: '..F.G', data:['','','','LSB OUT'] },
// nullify_arc_path in action with labeled nodes + coords scheme + superfluous arrow class ignored
// arc_path in action for legacy spline
'[0:1]+1+[0:2][greenEdge][greenArrow] ["tspan",{"style":"fill:red;"},"over"]',
// overrides arc_path and also modifies color with full tspan support
'[B]<-~>[so1 - 1 + 1:6.45] t<sub>VLD</sub>',
// Mix two types of TDCSpec, also show that math expressions with spaces are supported in wavelane specifications
'[1:4.5 + (.075 + (0.15 * 0.5) - 0.1)]-[4:4.55]', // TDCSpec without optional Y position, using transition locator formula above
'[4:4.55]<>[5:5.95] t<sub>V</sub>', // TDCSpec with label
'[1:6.125,0]-[2:6.125,0.5][greenEdge]', // TDCSpec with full Y and no arrows
'[2:6.125]<>[1:7.475,0][greenEdge][greenArrow] t<sub>WL</sub>',
// TDCSpecs mix with default Y and fullY, label, and both edge and arrow overrides
'[0:7.625]-[1:7.625,1][redEdge]', // Edge with 100% threshold level at one end, no arrow
'[(sck1 - 1):7.625,0.5]<>[1:8.975,1][redEdge][redArrow] t<sub>WH</sub>',
// auto-pull up specifications with expression for wave lane and default label position along with edge / arrow overrides
'[4:14.4]<1>[4:15.875] t<sub>CS-to-SO</sub>',
// arc_path in action with auto-pull up specifications and explicit label positioning
'[2:1.5]+[cs-1:2.25,1]', // arc_bracket test with arc_path in action
// arc_bracket (default color of 'arrow'), with arc_path override by redEdge, and expressions for wave lanes
// arc_path with no override on edge, but override on arrow alone
// TDCSpec int and float can be mathematical expressions!
// useful for computing location of rising and falling edges corresponding to a particular threshold level
'[1:9 + (.075 + (0.15*(1 - 0) - 0.1)), 0]<|->[5:11+(.075+(0.15*(1-0.5)-0.25)),(1-0.5)][nullify_arc_path] t<sub>|-</sub>',
// can have spaces in the expression for better clarity
'[1:10.5+(.075+(0.15*(0.3)-0.1)),(.3)]<-|->[so1:11.5+(.075+(0.15*(1-0.5)-0.25)),(1-0.5)][nullify_arc_path] t<sub>-|-</sub>',
// can mix id and lane index in the wavelane spec
'[sck1:13.5+(.075+(0.15*(0.5)-0.1)),(.5)]<-|>[cs:14.5+(.075+(0.15*(1-0.5)-0.25)),(1-0.5)][nullify_arc_path] t<sub>-|</sub>',
'[3:16.5+(.075+(0.15*(0.5)-0.25)),(.5)]<~>[1:18+(.075+(0.15*(1-0.5)-0.1)),(1-0.5)][redEdge][redArrow] t<sub>~</sub>'
// override both edge and arrow styles with classes
, 1)