wd_ = {
class WaveDromPlugins {
static sinTable ;
static cosTable ;
static nativePWAttrList ;
static plugins ;
constructor() {
this.sinTable = [...Array(Math.ceil(2*Math.PI*1000)).keys()].map( x => Math.sin(x/1000) );
this.cosTable = [...Array(Math.ceil(2*Math.PI*1000)).keys()].map( x => Math.cos(x/1000) );
this.nativePWAttrList = ['d','pwStyle','pwClass'] ;
this.plugins = {};
parseTrig (sig) {
let tphase = sig.phase || 0 ;
let tspec = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sig.wave)) ;
sig.wave = [] ;
let dspec = tspec[1] ;
let nodspec = (typeof dspec === 'undefined') ;
let dspecamp = (nodspec || (typeof dspec.amp === 'undefined')) ? 1 : dspec.amp ;
let dspecf = (nodspec || (typeof dspec.f === 'undefined') || (dspec.f == 0)) ? 1 : dspec.f ;
let dspecphi = (nodspec || (typeof dspec.phi === 'undefined')) ? 0 : dspec.phi ;
let drepeat = (nodspec || (typeof dspec.repeat === 'undefined')) ? 1 : dspec.repeat ;
let pathArr = [] ;
for (let rn = 0; rn < drepeat; rn++) {
for (let i = 0; i < (1/dspecf); i += 0.001) {
let tblIdx = parseInt((2000 * Math.PI * i * dspecf) + (dspecphi * 1000 * Math.PI * dspecf / 180))
% parseInt(2000 * Math.PI) ;
let scaledVal = (tspec[0] === "sin") ? this.sinTable[tblIdx] :
(tspec[0] === "cos") ? this.cosTable[tblIdx] : 0 ;
scaledVal /= 2.00 ;
scaledVal *= dspecamp ;
// shift to center around y = 0.5
scaledVal += 0.5 ;
if ((rn == 0) && (i == 0)) {
pathArr.push((rn / dspecf) + i - tphase);
let pwObj = { 'd' : pathArr };
Object.keys(dspec).forEach( (pwAttr) => {
if (this.nativePWAttrList.includes(pwAttr)) {
pwObj[pwAttr] = dspec[pwAttr];
} );
sig.wave = [ 'pw', pwObj ] ;
return sig ;
} // end parseTrig
parseAsync (sig) {
let tspec = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sig.wave)) ; // wave to mod
sig.wave = [] ;
if (tspec[0] !== 'async') {
return [];
let dspec = tspec[1] ;
let nodspec = (typeof dspec === 'undefined') ;
let dspecSeq = (nodspec || (typeof dspec.seq === 'undefined')) ? '0' : dspec.seq ;
let dspecCTimes = (nodspec || (typeof dspec.cTimes === 'undefined')) ? [0] : dspec.cTimes ;
let dspecRT = (nodspec || (typeof dspec.rTime === 'undefined')) ? 0 : dspec.rTime ;
let dspecFT = (nodspec || (typeof dspec.fTime === 'undefined')) ? 0 : dspec.fTime ;
let dspecSharpZ = (nodspec || (typeof dspec.sharpz === 'undefined')) ? false : dspec.sharpz ;
let pathArr = [] ;
let seqIdx = 0 ;
let xpos = dspecCTimes[seqIdx];
let ypos = (dspecSeq[seqIdx] === '0') ? 0 : (dspecSeq[seqIdx] === '1') ? 1 :
(dspecSeq[seqIdx] === 'z') ? 0.5 : 0 ;
let prevSig = dspecSeq[seqIdx] ;
for (seqIdx = 1; seqIdx < dspecSeq.length; seqIdx++) {
let nxtSig = dspecSeq[seqIdx];
let nxtCTime = dspecCTimes[seqIdx];
// draw line up to the ctime as x pos, y pos will be from prevSig
pathArr.push('L', nxtCTime, ypos); // 'L' not strictly necessary, but for readability
// nxtXPos will depend on rise or fall time
let nxtXPos = nxtCTime + dspecRT; // assume rise time
let cpX = nxtCTime + (0.4 * dspecRT) ;
ypos = (nxtSig === '0') ? 0 : (nxtSig === '1') ? 1 : (nxtSig === 'z') ? 0.5 : 0;
if (prevSig == '1') { // we need to change to fall time
nxtXPos = nxtCTime + dspecFT;
cpX = nxtCTime + (0.4 * dspecFT) ;
if ((nxtSig !== 'z') || (dspecSharpZ === true)) {
pathArr.push('L', nxtXPos, ypos);
} else { // Not a straight transition, but We will need a slow rise or fall
pathArr.push('Q', cpX, ypos, nxtXPos, ypos);
prevSig = nxtSig ;
// Handle the last dspecCTimes
let pwObj = { 'd' : pathArr };
Object.keys(dspec).forEach( (pwAttr) => {
if (this.nativePWAttrList.includes(pwAttr)) {
pwObj[pwAttr] = dspec[pwAttr];
} );
sig.wave = [ 'pw', pwObj ] ;
return sig ;
} // end parseAsync
register (plugin) {
const {name, exec} = plugin ;
this.plugins[name] = exec ;
customParse (parseFunc, sig) {
const func = this.plugins[parseFunc];
return func(sig);
let wd_ ;
try {
wd_ = new WaveDromPlugins();
catch(err) { console.log("Unable to load WaveDromPlugins... " + err); }
// END contents of wavedrom.plugins.js
return wd_ ;