Nov 13, 2022
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chart = SankeyChart({links: Data.sankey},{
nodeGroup: d =>\W/)[0],
format: (f => d => `${f(d)} Acres`)(d3.format(",.1~f")),

// Had to fork the built in Sankey Library so I could make the colors match the Land-Use classes
adjustNodeColor: (c,t)=>

switch (t.split(/[\W\n]/)[0])
case "Water":
return "#419bdf";
case "Trees":
return "#397d49";
case "Rangeland":
return "#e3e2c3";
case "Crops":
return "#e49635";
case "Built":
return "#c4281b";
case "Bare":
return "#a59b8f";
case "Snow":
return "#aaeafd";
case "Flooded":
return "#7a87c6";
height: 300})

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async function performAnalysis()
let result={};
console.log("starting analyze");
const NO_DATA =0; //255,255,255
const WATER=1; // 65,155,223
const TREES=2; // 57,125, 73
const FLOODED_VEGETATION=3; //122,135,198
const CROPS=4; //228,150, 53
const BUILT_AREA = 5; //196, 40, 27
const BARE_GROUND=6; //165,155,143
const SNOW_ICE=7; //168,235,255
const CLOUDS=8; // 97, 97, 97
const RANGELAND=9; //227,226,195
const FRIENDLY_NAMES = ["No Data","Water","Trees","Flooded Vegetation","Crops","Built Area","Bare Ground","Snow/Ice","Clouds","Rangeland"];
const SQM_PER_ACRE = 4046.86; //ugh, why no metric in this country
const WGS_EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137.0; // used to calculate areas
// ripped from the Leaflet-draw library because it wasn't happy being included here and is total ovekill
let geodesicArea = function (latLngs) {
var pointsCount = latLngs.length,
area = 0.0,
d2r = Math.PI / 180,
p1, p2;
if (pointsCount > 2) {
for (var i = 0; i < pointsCount; i++) {
p1 = latLngs[i];
p2 = latLngs[(i + 1) % pointsCount];
area += ((p2.lng - p1.lng) * d2r) *
(2 + Math.sin( * d2r) + Math.sin( * d2r));
area = area * (WGS_EARTH_RADIUS*WGS_EARTH_RADIUS) / 2.0;
return Math.abs(area);
// We can determine the use type entirely by the red pixels as each item in the symbology varies
function getUseType(redPixel)
switch (redPixel)
case 65: return WATER;
case 57: return TREES;
case 122: return FLOODED_VEGETATION;
case 228: return CROPS;
case 196: return BUILT_AREA;
case 165: return BARE_GROUND;
case 168: return SNOW_ICE;
case 97: return CLOUDS;
case 227: return RANGELAND;
return redPixel;
// console.log("Undefined r of "+ redPixel);

// This is a custom forked version of the LeafletImage library that will let me render a single layer
// instead of the map as it shows up on screen.
let complete=false;
let ls2017only = function(l){ return"2017";}
LeafletImage(map, ls2017only, function(err,canvas2017) {
let ls2021Only = function(l){ return"2021";}
LeafletImage(map, ls2021Only, function(err,canvas2021) {
var dimensions = map.getSize();
const image2017 = canvas2017.getContext("2d").getImageData(0,0,dimensions.x,dimensions.y);
const image2021 = canvas2021.getContext("2d").getImageData(0,0,dimensions.x,dimensions.y);
result.totalMapAreaSqM = geodesicArea(
map.getBounds().getSouthWest() ]);
result.acresPerPixel = result.totalMapAreaSqM/ SQM_PER_ACRE / (dimensions.x * dimensions.y);
for (let i = 0; i <; i += 4)
let pixelUse2017 =getUseType([i]);
let pixelUse2021 =getUseType([i]);
if (pixelUse2017!=pixelUse2021)
if (!result.pixelsChangedDict[pixelUse2017 + "|" + pixelUse2021])
result.pixelsChangedDict[pixelUse2017 + "|" + pixelUse2021]=0;
result.pixelsChangedDict[pixelUse2017 + "|" + pixelUse2021]++;
for (let src=0;src<FRIENDLY_NAMES.length;src++)
for (let dest=0;dest<FRIENDLY_NAMES.length;dest++)
if ((result.pixelsChangedDict[src + "|" + dest]) && result.pixelsChangedDict[src + "|" + dest]>1000)

result.sankey.push({source:FRIENDLY_NAMES[src] , target: FRIENDLY_NAMES[dest]+" ", value:(result.pixelsChangedDict[src + "|" + dest]*result.acresPerPixel) });
console.log("done analyzing");
// THis is horribly hacky, but stops us returning until everything is loaded
while (!complete)
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100));
return result;
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// github sets the wrong mimetype on js files so we using jsdelivr as a proxy to load this
// after updating github i have to hit to clear the cdn
LeafletImage = require("")
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import {SankeyChart} from "88895dac303f3ed9"
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import {d3Sankey} from "@d3/sankey"
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Data = performAnalysis();
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//d3 = require("d3@5")
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