Sep 25
6 stars
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viewof tennisBallDiameter = dist`${normalInterval(6.54, 6.86, {
p: 0.95
})} / 100`
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[d3.mean(tennisBallDiameter), d3.variance(tennisBallDiameter)]
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Plot.tickX(tennisBallDiameter, { strokeOpacity: 0.3 }).plot()
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viewof tennisBallVolume = dist`4/3 * ${Math.PI} * (${tennisBallDiameter}^2)`
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busLength = to(10, 15)
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busWidth = to(2, 2.5, { p: 0.95, n: 10000 })
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viewof isDoubleDeckerBus = Inputs.toggle({ label: "Is double decker bus?" })
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viewof busHeight = dist`(3 to 4) * ${isDoubleDeckerBus ? 2 : 1}`
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viewof busVolume = dist`${busLength} * ${busWidth} * ${busHeight}`
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availableSpace = to(0.6, 0.85)
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viewof worstPackingEfficiency = Inputs.range([0, 73.99], {
label: "Worst-case % of space filled with tennis balls",
value: 63.5
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viewof numberOfBalls = dist`
(${busVolume} * ${availableSpace} * ((${worstPackingEfficiency} / 100) to 0.74)) / ${tennisBallVolume}
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The number of tennis balls that can fit into a ${isDoubleDeckerBus ? "double" : "single"}-decker bus is ~${Math.round(d3.mean(numberOfBalls))}.
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function randomSample(random, n, ...args) {
const S = Array.from({ length: n });
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
S[i] = random(...args);
return S;
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DEFAULT_N = 1000
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randomLognormal = (
await import("")
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function lognormal(μ, σ, { n = DEFAULT_N } = {}) {
return randomSample(randomLognormal, n, μ, σ);
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erfinv = (await import(""))
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function lognormalInterval(u, v, { p = DEFAULT_P, n = DEFAULT_N } = {}) {
const logU = Math.log(u);
const logV = Math.log(v);

const Z = Math.sqrt(2) * erfinv(p);
const μ = (logU + logV) / 2;
const σ = (logV - logU) / (2 * Z);

return lognormal(μ, σ, { n });
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to = lognormalInterval
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lognormalInterval(5, 10)
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randomNormal = (await import(""))
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function normal(μ, σ, { n = DEFAULT_N } = {}) {
return randomSample(randomNormal, n, μ, σ);
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function normalInterval(u, v, { p = DEFAULT_P, n = DEFAULT_N } = {}) {
const Z = Math.sqrt(2) * erfinv(p);
const μ = (u + v) / 2;
const σ = (v - u) / (2 * Z);
return normal(μ, σ, { n });
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randomUniform = (
await import("")
Insert cell
function uniform(a, b, { n = DEFAULT_N } = {}) {
return randomSample(randomUniform, n, a, b);
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randomBeta = (await import(""))
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function beta(α, β, { n = DEFAULT_N } = {}) {
return randomSample(randomBeta, n, α, β);
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function betaMeanSampleSize(μ, ν, { n = DEFAULT_N } = {}) {
const α = μ * ν;
const β = (1 - μ) * ν;
return beta(α, β, { n });
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function betaMeanStdev(μ, σ, { n = DEFAULT_N } = {}) {
const ν = (μ * (1 - μ)) / σ ** 2 - 1;
return betaMeanSampleSize(μ, ν, { n });
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randomGamma = (await import(""))
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function gamma(α, β, { n = DEFAULT_N } = {}) {
return randomSample(randomGamma, n, α, β, );
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function exponential(λ, { n = DEFAULT_N } = {}) {
return gamma(1, λ, { n });
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sample = (await import("")).default
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function extractViewof(view) {
if (typeof view === "object" && "value" in view) {
return view.value;
return view;
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function operate(operation, a, b) {
a = extractViewof(a);
b = extractViewof(b);

if (typeof a === "number" && typeof b === "number") {
return operation(a, b);

if (typeof a === "number" && Array.isArray(b)) {
const S = b.slice();
for (let i = 0; i < S.length; i++) {
S[i] = operation(a, S[i]);
return S;

if (Array.isArray(a) && typeof b === "number") {
const S = a.slice();
for (let i = 0; i < S.length; i++) {
S[i] = operation(S[i], b);
return S;

if (Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b)) {
const n = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
const S = Array.from({ length: n });

const aBar = sample(a, { size: n });
const bBar = sample(b, { size: n });

for (let i = 0; i < S.length; i++) {
S[i] = operation(aBar[i], bBar[i]);

return S;
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const x = to(10, 20);
const y = to(2, 3);
const z = to(1, 100);

const add = (a, b) => operate((a, b) => a + b, a, b);
const multiply = (a, b) => operate((a, b) => a * b, a, b);

return add(multiply(x, y), z);
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parse = import("")
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compile = import("")
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NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "."]
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function number() {
const parsed = parse.skip((character) =>
NUMERIC_CHARACTERS.includes(String.fromCharCode(character)) ? 1 : 0
const number = Number(parsed);
return ["", Number.isFinite(number) ? number : parse.err()];
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numericLiterals = {
for (const character of NUMERIC_CHARACTERS) {
parse.lookup[character.charCodeAt()] = number;
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literals = {
compile.operator("", (value) => () => value);
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function defineOperator(operator, precedence, operation) {
parse.binary(operator, precedence);
compile.operator(operator, (expressionLeft, expressionRight) => {
if (!expressionRight) {

const executeLeft = compile.default(expressionLeft);
const executeRight = compile.default(expressionRight);

return (bindings) => {
const a = executeLeft(bindings);
const b = executeRight(bindings);
return operate(operation, a, b);
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ADD: 1,
TO: 6
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operators = {
defineOperator("+", PRECEDENCE.ADD, (a, b) => a + b);
defineOperator("-", PRECEDENCE.ADD, (a, b) => a - b);
defineOperator("*", PRECEDENCE.MULTIPLY, (a, b) => a * b);
defineOperator("/", PRECEDENCE.MULTIPLY, (a, b) => a / b);
defineOperator("^", PRECEDENCE.EXPONENTIATE, Math.pow);
defineOperator("to", PRECEDENCE.TO, to);
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negative = {
parse.unary("-", PRECEDENCE.NEGATIVE);
compile.operator("-", (expression, expressionRight) => {
if (expressionRight) {
const execute = compile.default(expression);
return (bindings) => {
const a = execute(bindings);
return -a;
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brackets = {
parse.token("(", PRECEDENCE.BRACKETS, () => [
parse.expr(0, ")".charCodeAt())
compile.operator("(", compile.default);
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function distValue(strings, ...substitutions) {

const bindings = Object.fromEntries(, index) => [`v${index}`, value])
const code = String.raw(strings, ...Object.keys(bindings));
const expression = parse.default(code);
const execute = compile.default(expression);
return execute(bindings);
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kde = await import("")
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function plot(sample) {
const density = [...kde.density1d(sample)];

const nearestQuantilesInDensity = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95]
.map((p) => d3.quantile(sample, p))
.map((q) => ({
i: d3.bisectCenter( => d.x),
.map(({ q, i }) => ({ x: q, y: density[i].y }));

const plot = Plot.plot({
y: { ticks: 0, label: "Density Estimate" },
x: { label: "Value" },
height: 196,
marks: [
Plot.areaY(density, { x: "x", y: "y", fillOpacity: 0.1 }),
Plot.lineY(density, { x: "x", y: "y" }),
Plot.ruleX(nearestQuantilesInDensity, {
x: "x",
y2: "y",
strokeDasharray: "5, 3"
Plot.axisX({ x }) => x),
{ textStroke: "#fff", textStrokeWidth: 5 }
Plot.crosshairX(density, { x: "x", y: "y" })

plot.addEventListener("input", (e) => e.stopImmediatePropagation());

return Object.assign(htl.html`<div>${plot}</div>`, { value: sample });
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function dist(strings, ...substitutions) {
return plot(distValue(strings, ...substitutions));
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