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md`# Lab 2 - Working With Data in JavaScript (Template)`
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[Link to slides for this lab](

In this week's lab we'll be talking about how to use JavaScript and D3 to wrangle data. We'll be covering these topics in today's lab:

- Loading data using d3.csv
- Using d3 functions like min, max, mean
- Using JavaScript Array functions like map and filter
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md`## Review of Anonymous functions`
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md`Recall that in JavaScript there's 2 main ways to write anonymous functions. You either have Syntax 1: \`function() {}\` or Syntax 2 \`() => {}\`. Syntax 2 also has some variations - the most important one you should be aware of is this: \`param => param + 2\`. In this variation the second half of the expression is implicitly returned without using the return statement. In this case \`param + 2\` would be returned. Here are 3 different ways to write an anonymous function that finds the cube of a given number parameter:`
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funcs = {
const syntax1 = function(num) {
return num * num * num;

const syntax2 = num => {
return num * num * num;

const syntax2a = num => num * num * num;

return syntax1(3) + syntax2(3) + syntax2a(3); // we should expect this to be 81 (27 + 27 + 27 = 81)
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md`_Write an anonymous function that accepts a number as a parameter and returns its square in 3 different ways: 1. Using Syntax 1 2. Using Syntax 2 3. Using the one line variation of Syntax 2_`
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squared = {
// functions here
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md`## Loading Data`
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md`We can use the d3.csv function to load data locally and from the internet. Let's use d3.csv to load a dataset about Pokemon and their stats. Use d3.csv to load [this data set from GitHub]( Remember to first [require]( d3.`
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d3 = require('d3@5')
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data = d3.csv(
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md`After you've loaded the data in, use \`render_data_table\` to display it as a table (it is already imported for you). You may want to [slice or make a smaller copy of]( the data before passing it to \`render_data_table\``
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render_data_table(data.slice(0, 10))
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md`## Using JavaScript Array functions`
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md`JavaScript has many default array functions that you can use without importing anything. These functions are especially useful for manipulating data`
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md`### map
This function performs an action on each element of the array and then returns a new array with the modified values. The parameter to this function __is also a function__. Here is an example:`
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pokemon_names = => {
return {
Name: d.Name,
Type: d['Type 1']
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md`In the example above we passed the [anonymous function](

d =>

Let's think about what our anonymous function does to one element in the original array. First, the element is passed as the parameter to our anonymous function. So in this case "d" is an Object with keys Name, Type, etc. Our anonymous function only returns or extracts the value of the name key. Applying this function to every Object in the original array we get an array of just pokemon names!

_Use the __map__ function to extract just the Attack of each Pokemon and store it in an array_
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// extract an array of only pokemon attacks
pokemon_attacks = => +d.Attack)
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md`### filter
Often, we'll want to __filter__ the data based on some condition. For example, what if we want an array with only Pokemon that have an attack over 100? We can use the filter function to accomplish this:`
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high_attack_pokemon = data.filter(d => d.Attack > 100)
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md`The __filter__ function has a similar syntax to the map function. However, the anonymous function passed to the filter function __must__ return a boolean. _Use __filter__ to find __only the name__ of all pokemon who have a Defense higher than 150 (hint: you will need to use map as well)_`
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high_defense = data
.filter(d => d.Defense > 150 && d.Attack > 100)
.map(d => d.Name)
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md`JavaScript has many more useful Array utility functions but I find I end up using map and filter for almost every visualization I make. [Check out Mike's tutorial]( for more useful Array functions.`
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md`## D3 Array Utility Functions`
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md`D3 also has some great methods for working with Arrays. Let's take a look at a few common ones`
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md`### Min and Max`
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md`D3 has two very useful functions which allow us to find the min and max of an array: min and max. Here is an example of how to use min and max with respect to the \`pokemon_attacks\` array:`
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min_pokemon_atk = d3.min(pokemon_attacks)
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max_pokemon_atk = d3.max(pokemon_attacks)
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md`Another useful function which finds both the min and max of an array is \`extent\``
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min_and_max_pokemon_atk = d3
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md`These functions don't neccesarily need to be run on an array of numbers either. If we want to know the min and max Defense of all pokemon given only our initially loaded array of objects we can do this:`
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min_max_pokemon_defense = d3.extent(data, d => +d.Defense)
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md`This saves us the trouble of mapping just the defense of all pokemon to a new array`
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md`_Find the min Total stats of a pokemon using only the array of objects you initially loaded in from d3.csv_`
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// find min total
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md`## Appendix`
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import {
} from "@info474/utilities"
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