function geoCompositeProjection(...projections) {
var cache,
points = Array(projections.length).fill(null),
pointStream = { point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y] } };
var translations = [],
clipExtents = [],
precisions = [],
scales = [];
for (var i = 0; i < projections.length; ++i) {
clipExtents.push(projections[i].clipExtent ? projections[i].clipExtent() : null);
function projection(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
point = null;
for (let p of points) {
p(x, y);
if (point) return point;
return point;
} = function(stream) {
if (cache && cacheStream === stream) {
return cache;
} else {
var streams = [];
for (var i = 0; i < projections.length; ++i) {
cache = multiplex(streams);
cacheStream = stream;
return cache;
projection.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return projections[0].precision();
var factor = _ / precisions[0];
for (var i = 0; i < projections.length; ++i) {
projections[i].precision(factor * precisions[i]);
return reset();
projection.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return projections[0].scale();
var factor = _ / scales[0];
for (var i = 0; i < projections.length; ++i) {
projections[i].scale(factor * scales[i]);
return projection.translate(projections[0].translate());
projection.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return projections[0].translate();
var x = +_[0],
y = +_[1],
k = projections[0].scale() / scales[0];
for (var i = 0; i < projections.length; ++i) {
function skew(point) {
// convert a point from the original coordinate system to the current screen-space coordinate system
// point: point in original coordinates needing to be transformed
// [x, y]: new root point
// translations[0]: old root point
// point - translations[0]: vector that needs scaling
// (point - translations[0]) * k: scaled vector
// scaled vector + [x, y] -> new screen-space coordinate
const dx = point[0] - translations[0][0],
dy = point[1] - translations[0][1];
return [x + dx * k, y + dy * k]
if (projections[i].clipExtent !== undefined && clipExtents[i] !== null) {
projections[i].clipExtent([skew(clipExtents[i][0]), skew(clipExtents[i][1])])
points[i] = projections[i].stream(pointStream);
return reset();
projection.clipExtent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
// compute the effective clip extent of the whole composite -- equivalent to the smallest bounding
// box that contains all the childrens' clip extents, or null if one or more children doesn't have
// a clip extent.
let bounded = true;
let x0 = +Infinity, y0 = +Infinity, x1 = -Infinity, y1 = -Infinity;
for (var i = 0; i < projections.length; ++i) {
const extent = projections[i].clipExtent ? projections[i].clipExtent() : null;
if (extent) {
x0 = Math.min(x0, extent[0][0]);
y0 = Math.min(y0, extent[0][1]);
x1 = Math.max(x1, extent[1][0]);
y1 = Math.max(y1, extent[1][1]);
} else {
bounded = false;
return bounded ? [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]] : null;
for (var i = 0; i < projections.length; ++i) {
// shrink each child's clip extent so that it lies within the input clip extent (_)
if (projections[i].clipExtent === undefined) continue;
let extent = projections[i].clipExtent();
if (extent === null) continue;
[[ Math.max(extent[0][0], _[0][0]), Math.max(extent[0][1], _[0][1]) ],
[ Math.min(extent[1][0], _[1][0]), Math.min(extent[1][1], _[1][1]) ]])
return reset();
function reset() {
cache = cacheStream = null;
return projection;
return projection;