Dec 28, 2021
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measures = md`</br>
##### Efficiency Measures
Each efficiency measure was evaluated at the typology level, and the results were applied back to each building individually to generate an estimate of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) savings. The range of savings that are shown for each efficiency measure are the result of the distribution of input parameters in the ensemble model. The goal of this exercise was to identify which types of efficiency measures are likely to have the biggest impact for each building. The results will help generate a list of high-priority, maximum-impact projects across the entire portfolio. Note that this information comes directly from a statistical model, and some of the identified measures might not make sense for this particular building. However, it is nevertheless useful to try and understand why the model is predicting savings for certain measures, and not others, as it may help identify opportunities that were not apparent at the outset of this analysis. The GHG emissions reductions are calculated based on hourly grid emissions data provided by Google.`
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updateGHGI = GHGIChart.updateGHGI(buildingData[building].scenarios)
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updateEUI = EUIChart.updateEUI(buildingData[building].scenarios)
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updateCFE = CFEChart.updateCFE(buildingData[building].scenarios)
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d3 = require("d3@^6.1")
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_ = require('lodash@4.17.15/lodash.js').catch(() => window["_"])
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chroma = require('chroma-js')
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createTooltip = el => {
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mapboxgl = {
const gl = await require("mapbox-gl@2.0.0");
if (!gl.accessToken) {
gl.accessToken = "pk.eyJ1IjoiaW50ZWdyYWxncm91cCIsImEiOiJjazM0dzc1aTMxOXUxM21uOXQ4c2ZseGxvIn0.SO3zITcSqsb5qRhEvSqsTA";
const href = await require.resolve("mapbox-gl@2.0.0/dist/mapbox-gl.css");
document.head.appendChild(html`<link href=${href} rel=stylesheet>`);
return gl;
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