Sep 21, 2018
4 stars
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
mapProps = ({
layout: {
translateY: 50,
//TODO -- add stateFilterFunction: (loc) => (),
countyFillFunction: (loc) => ('none'), // override to create county fill colors
stateFillFunction: (loc) => ('none'), // override to create state fill colors
countyMouseOverFunction: (loc) => { }, // override to handle mouseovers
countyMouseOutFunction: (loc) => { }, // override to handle mouseovers
countyMouseMoveFunction: (loc) => { }, // override to handle mouseovers
countyOnClickFunction: (loc) => { // override to handle click events
//colorScale: @d3.scaleLinear, quantile, etc, // color scale for the legend
//data: @array, // flat array of your data
//legendTitle: @string, // title for the legend
//legendWidthScale: @d3.scaleLinear, d3.scaleSqrt, d3.scaleLog, etc
//legendTickFormat: @d3.format('.1f') etc.
stateFIPSToInclude: [], // empty array is default == include all states
Insert cell
Insert cell
// Download and parse this once. Use usTopology to filter etc to avoid reparsing the raw json again
base_usTopology = d3.json('')
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
usTopology = {
// TODO: port this to map, use proper filter based on STATEFIPS
if (mapProps.stateFIPSToInclude.length == 0) {
return base_usTopology;
const usTopology = {
type: 'Topology',
arcs: base_usTopology.arcs,
transform: base_usTopology.transform,
objects: {
counties: {
type: 'GeometryCollection',
geometries: base_usTopology.objects.counties.geometries
states: {
type: 'GeometryCollection',
geometries: base_usTopology.objects.states.geometries.filter(d => {
return mapProps.stateFIPSToInclude.includes(;
}).map(d => d)
return usTopology;
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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