Sep 23, 2023
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viewof sampleSeed = Inputs.button("Change seed", {
value: null,
reduce: () => Math.random()
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sampleEntities = adminClient.getEntitiesSample({}, { seed: sampleSeed })
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entity = selectedSampleEntity
? adminClient.getEntity({ id: })
: "Select an entity in the table above."
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viewof upsertEntityId = Inputs.button("Change id", {
value: null,
reduce: () => crypto.randomUUID()
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id: upsertEntityId,
info: { type: "BlogPost", authKey: "none", name: "New blog post!" },
fields: { title: "New blog post!" }
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server = dossierServer.createServer({
databaseAdapter: databaseAdapter,
authorizationAdapter: dossierServer.NoneAndSubjectAuthorizationAdapter,
logger: logger,
}).then(it => it.value);
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adminClient = {
const session = server.createSession({
provider: "sys",
identifier: "anonymous",
defaultAuthKeys: ["none", "subject"]
return server.createAdminClient(() => session).toExceptionClient();
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adminSchema = new dossierCore.AdminSchema(
await adminClient.getSchemaSpecification()
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SELECT * FROM entities
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linkedEntities = {
// Collect all entities, and the ids of the entities they link to
const entitiesWithLinks = []; // {id, name, links:[] }
// getAllNodesForConnection() is a helper for fetching all pages of a search query
for await (const entityResult of dossierCore.getAllNodesForConnection(
(currentPaging) => adminClient.client.getEntities({}, currentPaging)
)) {
const entity = entityResult.valueOrThrow();

// We can use the traverseEntity() helper to check all fields of an entity,
// which is helpful when we don't want to hard code which entity types we work with
const links = [];
for (const node of dossierCore.traverseEntity(adminSchema, [], entity)) {
if (
node.type === "fieldItem" &&
dossierCore.isEntityItemField(node.fieldSpec, node.value) &&
) {

entitiesWithLinks.push({ id:, name:, links });

// Generate the Mermaid graph lines. Only include the first few entities in order to keep the diagram
const mermaidLines = ["graph TD"];
entitiesWithLinks.slice(0, 30).forEach((fromEntity, fromIndex) => {
if (fromEntity.links.length === 0) return;
mermaidLines.push(`n${fromIndex}[${}]`); // add a name to the box of the from entity
fromEntity.links.forEach((toId) => {
const toIndex = entitiesWithLinks.findIndex((it) => === toId);
const toEntity = entitiesWithLinks[toIndex];
mermaidLines.push(`n${toIndex}[${}]`); // add a name to the box of the to entity
mermaidLines.push(`n${fromIndex} --> n${toIndex}`); // add the arrow

return mermaid`${mermaidLines.join("\n")}`;
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dossierCore = import("")
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dossierSqliteCore = import("")
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dossierServer = import("")
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database = FileAttachment("blog.sqlite").sqlite()
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logger = dossierCore.createConsoleLogger(console)
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