Dec 4, 2019
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
* Takes an array of [dx, dy] vectors and returns an array of [x, y] positions
* @param {Array<Array<number>>} path
* @return {Array<Array<number>>}
function wirePositions(path) {
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
const positions = [];

for (let [dx, dy] of path) {
while (dx || dy) {
let nextPos;
if (dx > 0) {
positions.push([(x += 1), y]);
dx -= 1;
} else if (dx < 0) {
positions.push([(x -= 1), y]);
dx += 1;
} else if (dy > 0) {
positions.push([x, (y += 1)]);
dy -= 1;
} else if (dy < 0) {
positions.push([x, (y -= 1)]);
dy += 1;
return positions;
Insert cell
/** Builds a set of the points pathA crosses (as a sparse 2D array) */
pointsForWirePath = path =>
wirePositions(path).reduce((positions, [x, y]) => {
if (!positions[x]) {
positions[x] = [];
positions[x][y] = true;
return positions;
}, [])
Insert cell
* Returns the Manhattan distance from the origin to nearest point where the given paths cross
* @param {Array<Array<number>>} pathA
* @param {Array<Array<number>>} pathB
* @return {number}
function findSmallestCrossingDistance(pathA, pathB) {
const positionsA = pointsForWirePath(pathA);

// Iterate over the points pathB crosses and see if any of them belong to positionsA;
// return the smallest
return wirePositions(pathB).reduce((min, [x, y]) => {
const dist = Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(y);
return dist < min && positionsA[x] && positionsA[x][y] ? dist : min;
}, Infinity);
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
* Takes an array of [dx, dy] vectors and returns an array of [x, y, d] positions where `d` is the
* signal delay (number of steps in path)
* @param {Array<Array<number>>} path
* @return {Array<Array<number>>}
function wirePositionsWithSignalDelay(path) {
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
let d = 1;
const positions = [];

for (let [dx, dy] of path) {
while (dx || dy) {
let nextPos;
if (dx > 0) {
positions.push([(x += 1), y, d++]);
dx -= 1;
} else if (dx < 0) {
positions.push([(x -= 1), y, d++]);
dx += 1;
} else if (dy > 0) {
positions.push([x, (y += 1), d++]);
dy -= 1;
} else if (dy < 0) {
positions.push([x, (y -= 1), d++]);
dy += 1;
return positions;
Insert cell
/** Builds a sparse 2D array of the signal delay for each point given path crosses */
pointsForWirePathWithSignalDelay = path =>
wirePositionsWithSignalDelay(path).reduce((positions, [x, y, d]) => {
if (!positions[x]) {
positions[x] = [];
positions[x][y] = d;
return positions;
}, [])
Insert cell
* Returns the Manhattan distance from the origin to nearest point where the given paths cross
* @param {Array<Array<number>>} pathA
* @param {Array<Array<number>>} pathB
* @return {number}
function findSmallestCrossingSignalDelay(pathA, pathB) {
// Build a set of the points pathA crosses (as a sparse 2D array)
const positionsA = pointsForWirePathWithSignalDelay(pathA);

// Iterate over the points pathB crosses and see if any of them belong to positionsA;
// return the smallest
return wirePositionsWithSignalDelay(pathB).reduce((dMin, [x, y, dB]) => {
if (positionsA[x] && positionsA[x][y] !== undefined) {
dMin = Math.min(dMin, positionsA[x][y] + dB);
return dMin;
}, Infinity);
Insert cell
Insert cell

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