Oct 16, 2023
9 forks
63 stars
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
parquetBuffer = fetch(buildingsUrl).then((response) => response.arrayBuffer())
Insert cell
arrowTable = {
const parquetBytes = new Uint8Array(parquetBuffer);
const decodedArrowBytes = parquet.readParquet(parquetBytes);
const arrowTable = arrow.tableFromIPC(decodedArrowBytes);
return arrowTable;
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
geometryColumn = arrowTable.getChildAt(0)
Insert cell
Insert cell
const firstGeometry = geometryColumn.get(0);
const firstRing = firstGeometry.get(0);
const firstCoord = firstRing.get(0);
return firstCoord.toArray();
Insert cell
Insert cell
// Pretty print the first geometry
// One ring with five coordinates
const firstGeom = geometryColumn.get(0);
const printedGeom = [];
for (const ring of firstGeom) {
const printedRing = [];
for (const coord of ring) {
const printedCoord = [coord.get(0), coord.get(1)];
return printedGeom;
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
// Note that `data` here is an array with only one element because this Parquet file only had one row group
// Otherwise we'd need to do this process for each batch of columnar data
polygonIndices =[0].valueOffsets
Insert cell
Insert cell
ringIndices = geometryColumn.getChildAt(0).data[0].valueOffsets
Insert cell
Insert cell
resolvedPolygonIndices = {
const resolvedIndices = new Int32Array(polygonIndices.length);
for (let i = 0; i < resolvedIndices.length; ++i) {
// Perform the lookup into the ringIndices array using the polygonIndices array
resolvedIndices[i] = ringIndices[polygonIndices[i]]
return resolvedIndices;
Insert cell
Insert cell
coordinateVector = geometryColumn.getChildAt(0).getChildAt(0)
Insert cell
Insert cell
flatCoordinateVector = geometryColumn.getChildAt(0).getChildAt(0).getChildAt(0)
Insert cell
flatCoordinateArray =[0].values
Insert cell
Insert cell
deckglLayer = {
// Refer to
const data = {
// Number of geometries
length: arrowTable.numRows,
// Indices into coordinateArray where each polygon starts
startIndices: resolvedPolygonIndices,
// Flat coordinates array
attributes: {
getPolygon: { value: flatCoordinateArray, size: 2 }
const layer = new deck.SolidPolygonLayer({
// This is an Observable hack - changing the id will force the layer to refresh when the cell reevaluates
id: `layer-${}`,
// Skip normalization for binary data
_normalize: false,
// Counter-clockwise winding order
_windingOrder: "CCW",
getFillColor: [0, 100, 60, 160],

deckglMap.setProps({ layers: [layer] });

return layer;
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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