Jul 24, 2021
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executiveNames = [
'Allison Parrish',
'Clement Valla',
'Daniel Howe',
'Eugenio Tisselli',
'Ian Hatcher',
'John Cayley',
'Kavi Duvvoori',
'Kyle Booten',
'Megan Feehan'
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allison = md`<span id="allison"><span class="headincopy">ALLISON PARRISH</span> is a computer programmer, poet, educator and game designer whose teaching and practice address the unusual phenomena that blossom when language and computers meet. She is an Assistant Arts Professor at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program, where she earned her master's degree in 2008.</span>`
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ana = md`<span id="ana"><span class="headincopy">ANA MARQUES</span> has been developing her research in the areas of Literary Theory and Media Studies, with a special focus on the effects of computation on literary forms and practices. She recently concluded her PhD thesis dedicated to the study of algorithmic poetics. She is currently a researcher at the Center for Portuguese Literature at the University of Coimbra.</span>`
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caroline = md`<span id="caroline"><span class="headincopy">CAROLINE BERGVALL</span> is an international writer and artist of Norwegian and French origins based in London and Geneva. Bergvall works across artforms, media and languages. Projects alternate between books and printed matter, audio pieces, collaborative performances, installations. A strong exponent of writing and reading methods adapted to contemporary audiovisual and contextual situations, as well as multilingual identities, her linguistic explorations and sparse spatial or audio works revisit literary models and expose difficult language-led historical/political events.</span>`
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clement = md`<span id="clement"><span class="headincopy">CLEMENT VALLA</span> is a New York based artist whose work considers how humans and computers are increasingly entangled in making, seeing and reading pictures. For recent solo exhibitions, see [the bio]( on [his website]( Valla’s work has been cited in *The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, El Pais, Huffington Post, Rhizome, Domus, Wired, The Brooklyn Rail, Liberation,* and on BBC television. Valla received a BA in Architecture from Columbia University and an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in Digital+Media. He is currently an associate professor at the Rhode Island School of Design.</span>`
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daniel = md`<span id="daniel"><span class="headincopy">DANIEL HOWE</span> is an artist and writer who uses code as a medium to explore culture and politics. His work spans a range of media, including multimedia installations, artist books, sound recordings and software interventions. He currently lives in Hong Kong where he teaches at the School of Creative Media. @danielchowe</span>`
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eugenio = md`<span id="eugenio"><span class="headincopy">EUGENIO TISSELLI</span> is a programmer, writer and researcher. As a programmer-writer, he has explored ways in which code influences our understanding of the world, and has attempted to write against meaning by focusing on the materiality of language. As a programmer-researcher, he has engaged with diverse social and environmental issues, which have led him to develop digital platforms for the collaborative creation of community memories. He has presented his work in multiple conferences, festivals and exhibitions. His writing-related work can be read at <>, and his platform-based research may be accessed at <>.</span>`
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ian = md`<span id="ian"><span class="headincopy">IAN HATCHER</span> is a writer, vocalist, programmer, and performance artist based in New York. His work focuses on technological power, liveness, and human/machine entanglement. He is the author of a poetry collection, *Prosthesis*; several records and chapbooks; and a conjoined artists' book and mobile app, *Abra*, co-created with Amaranth Borsuk and Kate Durbin. His sound poetry and in-character lecture performances have been presented widely in North America and Europe. Other projects include Remote Viewer, a covert theatrical workshop co-directed with Tyler Coburn, and ongoing creative research as a member of the Chicago collective Lucky Pierre. He has taught at Brown University, New York University, NJ Institute of Technology, Rutgers University-Camden, where he was a 2018-19 Digital Studies Fellow, and the University of Bergen. Selected as a Fulbright Scholar, he will spend 2021-22 teaching and writing in Norway.</span>`
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jackie = md`<span id="jackie"><span class="headincopy">JACKIE WANG</span> is a poet, library rat, trauma monster, harpist, and Assistant Professor of Culture and Media Studies at The New School. She is the author of *Carceral Capitalism*, as well as the chapbooks *Tiny Spelunker of the Oneiro-Womb* and *The Twitter Hive Mind Is Dreaming*. When not writing poetry she researches race, surveillance technology, and the political economy of prisons and police.</span>`
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johanna = md`<span id="johanna"><span class="headincopy">JOHANNA DRUCKER</span> is the inaugural Breslauer Professor of Bibliographical Studies in the Department of Information Studies at UCLA. She is internationally known for her work in the history of graphic design, typography, experimental poetry, fine art, and digital humanities. In addition, she has a reputation as a book artist, and her limited edition works are in special collections and libraries worldwide. Her most recent titles include *SpecLab: Digital Aesthetics and Speculative Computing* (Chicago, 2009), and *Graphic Design History: A Critical Guide* (Pearson, 2008, 2nd edition late 2012). She is currently working on a database memoire, *ALL, the online Museum of Writing* in collaboration with University College London and King's College, and a letterpress project titled *Stochastic Poetics*. A collaboratively written work, *Digital_Humanities*, with Jeffrey Schnapp, Todd Presner, Peter Lunenfeld, and Anne Burdick came out from MIT Press in 2016.</span>`
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john = md`<span id="john"><span class="headincopy">JOHN CAYLEY</span> is a writer, theorist, and pioneering maker of language art in programmable media. Apart from more or less conventional poetry and translation, he has explored dynamic and ambient poetics, text generation, transliteral morphing, aestheticized vectors of reading, and transactive synthetic language. Today, he composes as much for reading in aurality as in visuality. A Professor of Literary Arts at Brown University, he co-directs a graduate program in Digital &amp; Cross-Disciplinary Language Art. <>
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kavi = md`<span id="kavi"><span class="headincopy">KAVI DUVVOORI</span>, for our purposes, is a PhD student. They’re based at the University of Waterloo, on the Haldimand tract promised to the Six Nations, in Ontario. They have been a student of Digital Arts and New Media at UC Santa Cruz, and of Mathematics and Literary Arts at Brown. They are currently still struggling with affirmative negations, the impossibility of private language, borders, pleasures and pains of formal structure, and simulation games / town and community novels / social science fiction.</span>`
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kyle = md`<span id="kyle"><span class="headincopy">KYLE BOOTEN</span> is an assistant professor in the Department of English at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. His research on computer-mediated writing has recently appeared in <i>electronic book review, Flusser Studies, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Creativity</i>, and <i>Proceedings of the Electronic Literature Organization Conference and Media Festival</i>. His computer-mediated and -generated poetic work has appeared in venues such as <i>Boston Review, Lana Turner</i>, and <i>Fence</i>. In Fall 2020, he was poet-in-residence at []( See [](</span>`
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megan = md`<span id="megan"><span class="headincopy">MEGAN FEEHAN</span> is a designer based in the north-eastern United States. With collaborators, she established the studio [This is Our Work]( Her work includes visual identities, publications, exhibitions, print collateral and interactive projects for architecture, art and miscellaneous institutions. She thinks of herself as a design generalist, who does not fetishize technology over communication, while letting experiment and play guide form and format.</span>`
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mónica = md`<span id="mónica"><span class="headincopy">MÓNICA DE LA TORRE</span> works with and between languages. Her latest book, *The Happy End/All Welcome*, was published by Ugly Duckling Presse, which also put out her translation of *Defense of the Idol* by Chilean modernist Omar Cáceres in 2018. Born and raised in Mexico City, she is a contributing editor to *BOMB Magazine*. Recent writing appears in *Artforum, A Public Space,* and *The Literary Review*. A new book of poems and translations, *Repetition Nineteen*, was issued by Nightboat in 2020. She has taught at Columbia and Brown University and now teaches poetry at Brooklyn College.</span>`
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nora = md`<span id="nora"><span class="headincopy">NORA KHAN</span> is a writer. She writes criticism on emerging issues within digital visual culture, experimental art and music practices, and philosophy of emerging technology. She is a professor at RISD, based in Digital + Media (D+M). She teaches graduate courses on technological criticism, thesis writing for artists and designers, and critical theory and artistic research, across D+M, Graphic Design, and Industrial Design. Refer to [a more extensive bio on her website](</span>`
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penny = md`<span id="penny"><span class="headincopy">PENNY FLORENCE</span> is an extra-disciplinary artist, digital language artist, filmmaker, writer who’s supervised over twenty-five practice based PhDs. Her digital poetry was first published as an interactive CD-ROM in 2000. Penny has been writing/theorising ‘inextrinsix’ off &amp; on with John Cayley for some time, presenting e.g. variously at conferences of the Electronic Literature Organization, e-poetry, &amp; three of the four Tate galleries. Other international publications &amp; performances include nine books, numerous articles &amp; events. Currently Professor Emerita at The Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, UK, Penny’s previous jobs include Chair of Humanities and Design Sciences, Art Center, USA; Head of Research Programmes at The Slade; Professor Director of Research at Falmouth University, UK.`
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qianxun = md`<span id="qianxun"><span class="headincopy">QIANXUN CHEN</span> is a media artist, programmer, and researcher. She works at the intersection of language, art, and digital technology, with a focus on digital textuality, generative poetics and the aesthetics of algorithms. She holds an MFA in Digital Language Arts from Brown University and a Bachelor degree in Media Arts from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.</span>`
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rita = md`<span id="rita"><span class="headincopy">RITA RALEY</span>’s research is situated at the intersection of digital media and humanist inquiry, with a particular emphasis on artistic practices, language, textuality, and cultural critique. She teaches at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and has held fellowship appointments in electronic literature and the digital humanities at UCLA, the University of Bergen, Norway, and the Dutch Foundation for Literature in Amsterdam. She is one of the co-editors of the *Electronic Literature Collection, Volume&nbsp;2*.</span>`
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roberto = md`<span id="roberto"><span class="headincopy">ROBERTO SIMANOWSKI</span> is a scholar of media and cultural studies. He holds a Ph.D. in literary studies and a Venia Legendi in media studies. He is the founder and editor [*dichtung-digital*.org]( (1999-2014) and the author of several books on digital culture and politics, including *Digital Art and Meaning*, *Data Love*, *Facebook Society*, *Digital Humanities &amp; Digital Media: Conversations on Politics, Culture, Aesthetics and Literacy*, *The Death Algorithm and Other Digital Dilemmas*, and *Waste: A New Media Primer*. In 2020, an essay in German corresponding to the title piece in *Death Algorithm* – *Todesalgorithmus. Das Dilemma der künstlichen Intelligenz* received the Tractatus Award for best philosophical essay in German. Roberto has taught and undertaken research at Brown University, the University of Basel, and the City University of Hong Kong. He lives and writes in Berlin and Rio de Janeiro.</span>`
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samantha = md`<span id="samantha"><span class="headincopy">SAMANTHA GORMAN</span> is the co-director and co-founder of Tender Claws: a studio that walks the line between art, innovation and entertainment. She specialises in digital narrative, digital theatre directing, games and virtual reality. Tender Claws’ projects (*PRY, Virtual Virtual Reality, Tendar, Under Presents*) have received several awards and have partnered with most major immersive media platforms. Another project, *Tempest*, was a finalist for an Emmy in Innovation and Interactive Media. Samantha is also an assistant professor in the Games Program within Art and Design at Northeastern University.</span>`
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stephanie = md`<span id="stephanie"><span class="headincopy">STEPHANIE STRICKLAND</span>’s eight books of poetry include *Dragon Logic, The Red Virgin,* and *True North*. She has also published eleven digital poems. Her multi-platform *V* consists of six works, the latest being *Vniverse*, an iPad app co-created with Ian Hatcher and keyed to the two-in-one print book, *V : WaveTercets / Losing L’una*, from SpringGun Press. A book and accompanying CD, *Zone : Zero*, includes both print and digital versions of *slippingglimpse*, an eco-poem that maps text to Atlantic wave patterns. Recent work includes *House of Trust*, with Ian Hatcher, and *Hours of the Night*, with M.D. Coverley. As the McEver Chair in Writing at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Strickland created and produced an early TechnoPoetry Festival. Strickland’s work across print and multiple media is being collected by the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book And Manuscript Library at Duke University. Recently out is her collection, *How the Universe Is Made: Poems New & Selected*, from Ahsahta Press. For more on Strickland’s work, see [her website](</span>`
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