Jun 9, 2024
1 fork
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title: `Chronology of public artworks`,
width: chartWidth, //dynamic input for the width of the chart
height: chartHeight, //dynamic input for the height of the chart
marginBottom: 50, //add a margin at the botton to see the dates better
marks: [, Plot.dodgeY({ //make a dot for each artwork in the chartData
x: "date", // place it on the x axis according to the date
fill:"gender", //fill it using the gender value
sort: "gender",
title: "title", //defin the title of each element
tip: true, //show the title when you hover over the element
href:"url", //add clic interaction
target: "_blank"}))// opens a new tab in the browser
color: { //create a color scale to associate gender values with colors
type: "categorical",
domain: ["woman", "non binary", "man", "mixed", "collective", "unknown"],
range: [bordeau, turquoise, noir, jaune, jaune, gris],
legend: true
x: {
grid: true,
tickRotate: -45
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chartData = {
var genderFilter = data.filter(d => genderSelection.includes(d.gender))
var timeFilter = genderFilter.filter(d => d.year < timeInterval[1] && d.year > timeInterval[0])

if (categoryFilter != null)
return timeFilter.filter(d => d.categories && d.categories.includes(categoryFilter))
return timeFilter
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genderIdentities = _.uniq( => d.gender))
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categories = {
var categories = []
data.forEach(artwork => {
if (artwork.categories) => categories.push(c))

return _.uniq(categories)
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Type JavaScript, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options. Arrow ↑/↓ to switch modes.

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years = _.uniq( => d.year)).sort()
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stringToDate = d3.timeParse("%Y")
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data.forEach(d => { = stringToDate(d.year)
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earliest = d3.min( => d.year))
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latest = d3.max( => d.year))
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dateToYear = d3.utcFormat("%Y")
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