Jun 17, 2023
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
parseInt("010101", 2).toString(16)
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
result = (from, fromBase, toBase) => {
var scrollable = d3.create("div")
.style("overflow-x", "scroll")
var input = formattedFrom(from, toBase)

for (var i in input) {
if (toDecimal(input[i]) >= fromBase) {
.style("color", "#b3261e")
.text(`"${input[i]}" não existe na base ${fromBase}`)
return scrollable.node()

var result = scrollable
.style("text-align", "center")

.data(chunckedFrom(from, toBase))
.style("color", (_, i) => i % 2 == 0 ? "#b3261e" : "#085786")
.text(d => d.join(""))

.html(`)<sub>${fromBase}</sub> = (`)

.data(chunckedTo(from, fromBase, toBase).map(fromDecimal))
.style("color", (_, i) => i % 2 == 0 ? "#b3261e" : "#085786")
.text(d => d.join(""))


var top = chunckedFrom(from, toBase), down = chunckedTo(from, fromBase, toBase)
if (chunkSize(toBase) < chunkSize(fromBase)) {
var temp = top
top = down
down = temp

var table = scrollable.append("table")
function append(chunks) {
var tr = table.append("tr")
for (var c in chunks) {
var colspan = top[0].length / chunks[c].length
.attr("colspan", colspan)
.style("color", c % 2 == 0 ? "#b3261e" : "#085786")
.style("font-weight", (_, i) => top[c][i] == 1 || colspan > 1 ? "900" : "normal")
.html(d => d)
append(indexes(0, down.length).map(_ => chunkConverter(fromBase, toBase).map(x => `2<sup>${Math.log2(x)}</sup>`)))
append(indexes(0, down.length).map(_ => chunkConverter(fromBase, toBase)))

if (fromBase <= 10 && toBase <= 10) return scrollable.node()
var details = scrollable.append("details")

.text("Ver tabela de conversão")

table = details.append("table")

var tr = table.append("tr"), b = fromBase > 10 ? fromBase : toBase

.text(`Base ${10}`)
.text(`Base ${b}`)
for (var i = 0; i < b - 10; i++) {
tr = table.append("tr")
.text(`${10 + i}`)
return scrollable.node()
Insert cell
<style type="text/css">
td, th {
border: 1px solid black;
width: 300px;
text-align: center;
Insert cell
formattedTo = (from, toBase) => chunckedTo(from, toBase).join("")
Insert cell
chunckedTo = (from, fromBase, toBase) => chunckedFrom(from, toBase).map(c => convertChunk(c, chunkConverter(fromBase, toBase)))
Insert cell
chunckedFrom = (from, toBase) => chunks([...formattedFrom(from, toBase)].reverse(), chunkSize(toBase)).map(c => c.reverse()).reverse()
Insert cell
formattedFrom = (from, toBase) => from.padStart(chunkSize(toBase) * chunkAmount(from, toBase), "0")
Insert cell
chunkConverter = (fromBase, toBase) => indexes(0, chunkSize(fromBase) * chunkSize(toBase)).reverse().map(i => 2 ** i)
Insert cell
chunkAmount = (from, base) => Math.ceil(from.length / chunkSize(base))
Insert cell
chunkSize = (base) => Math.log2(base)
Insert cell
convertChunk = (from, converter) => from.length < converter.length ? converter.reduce((a, b) => a[0] + b <= toDecimal(from) ? (a[0] += b, a[1].push(1), a) : (a[1].push(0), a), [0, []])[1] : [from.reduce((a, f, i) => f == 1 ? a += converter[i] : a, 0)]
Insert cell
toDecimal = (d) => isNaN(d) ? [alphabet.indexOf(d) + 10] : d
Insert cell
fromDecimal = (d) => d >= 10 ? [alphabet[d - 10]] : d
Insert cell
Insert cell
chunks = (arr, size) => indexes(0, Math.ceil(arr.length / size)).map((_, i) => i * size).map(start => arr.slice(start, start + size))
Insert cell
indexes = (start, end) => Array.apply(null, {length: end}).map(, Number).slice(start)
Insert cell

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