Dec 3, 2019
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Insert cell
// create an interval selection over an x-axis encoding
const brush = vl.selectInterval().encodings('x');
// determine opacity based on brush
const opacity = vl.opacity().if(brush, vl.value(0.9)).value(0.1);

// an overview histogram of cars per year
// add the interval brush to select cars over time
const overview = vl.markBar()
vl.x().fieldQ('lPer100km') // extract year unit, treat as ordinal
.scale({rangeStep: null}) // subbdivide the full default chart width
.axis({title: null, labelAngle: 0}), // no title, no label angle
vl.y().count().title(null), // counts, no axis title
opacity // modulate bar opacity based on the brush selection
.select(brush) // add interval brush selection to the chart
.height(50); // set chart height to 50 pixels
// a detail scatterplot of horsepower vs. mileage
const detail = vl.markPoint()
opacity // modulate point opacity based on the brush selection

// vertically concatenate (vconcat) charts
return, detail).render();

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a4 = d3.tsvParse(await FileAttachment("data.tsv").text(), d3.autoType)
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Insert cell
fuel = d3.pairs(
a4.filter(d => d.type === "fuel")
.sort((a, b) => d3.ascending(,,
(a, b) => ({
odometer_delta: b.odometer - a.odometer
).map(d=>{d.lPer100km = d.amount / d.odometer_delta*100;
d.pricePerL = d.price / d.amount;
return d})
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import {vl} from '@vega/vega-lite-api'
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import {printTable} from '@uwdata/data-utilities'
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d3 = require("d3@^5.13")
Insert cell

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