Apr 6, 2024
1 star
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Insert cell
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Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

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oeuvresVilleMTL = oeuvres.filter(d => d.owner == "Ville de Montréal")
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oeuvresBAP = {
var resultat = []
bap_donneesouvertes.forEach(d => {
var art = {
title : d.Titre,

if (d.DateFinProduction != null){
var prod = d.DateFinProduction.replace("/Date(", '').replace(")/", '')
var time = d3.timeParse("%Q%Z")(String(prod))
if (time == null){
//tried counting the days but not sure how to substract (using miliseconds?)
//var posTime = d3.timeParse("%Q%Z")(String(prod.slice(1))) //remove the minus and get the positive value
//var days = d3.timeDay.count(d3.timeParse("%Q")(0), posTime) //get the number of days since UNIX epoch

//tried changing string time zone to :00 to use js → new Date() as it accepts negative values
//console.log("prod", prod)
//var test = prod.replace('-(\d)(\d)00', '-$1$2:00') //doesn't work but maybe just move last two chars and add ':00'
//console.log("test", test)

art.dateProduction = 1900 //1900 en attendant
art.dateProduction = time
} else {
art.dateProduction = null
if (d.DateAccession!=null){
var acqu = d.DateAccession.replace("/Date(", '').replace(")/", '')
art.dateAcquisition = d3.timeParse("%Q%Z")(String(acqu))
} else {
art.dateAcquisition = null
return resultat
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oeuvresBAP.filter(d => d.dateAcquisition != null && d.dateProduction == null)
Insert cell
test = {
var result = []

oeuvresBAP.forEach(d => {
if (d.dateProduction != null) = d.dateProduction
else = null

return result.filter(d => == null)
Insert cell
Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

Insert cell
bap_donneesouvertes = FileAttachment("BAP_donneesouvertes.json").json()
Insert cell

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