Oct 26, 2019
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md`# Grid Cells`
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function createPaths(globalConfig, cellData, Nrow = 9) {
var cellsDisk = (d, flatIndex) => d3rect.rect(
{x: (d.flatIndex % Nrow) *[0][0] + globalConfig.bounds[0][0][0] + d.groupOffset,
y: Math.floor(d.flatIndex / Nrow) *[1][0] + globalConfig.bounds[1][0][0],
height:[1][0]}) );
var cellsMemory = d => d3rect.rect(
{x: d.x[0], y: d.y[0], width: d.width[0], height: d.height[0]}));
var cellsCyl = d => d3.arc()({
innerRadius: d.x[1],
outerRadius: d.x[1] + d.width[1],
startAngle: d.y[1],
endAngle: d.y[1] + d.height[1],
padAngle: 0.0}) );
return {'disk': cellsDisk, 'memory': cellsMemory, 'cyl': cellsCyl};
Insert cell
function defaultConfig(Ndims, bounds) {
// first dimension of bounds is the dimension, second is the variable
// so bounds[0] corresponds to i, bounds[1] to j, bounds[0][0] is x
// bounds[0][1] is r, bounds[0][0][0] is left, bounds[0][0][1] is right
var cfg = {Ndims: Ndims, width: [], dds: [], bounds: bounds};
Ndims.forEach( (nd, i) => {
cfg.width.push( bounds[i].map( v => (v[1] - v[0]) ) ); bounds[i].map( v => (v[1] - v[0])/nd ) );
return cfg;
Insert cell
cfg = defaultConfig([6, 8], [ [ [-120.0, 120.0], [ 20.0, 200.0 ] ],
[ [-160.0, 160.0], [ 0.0, Math.PI ] ] ] );
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function createCells(globalConfig, level, dims, levelIndex, groupOffset = 0) {
var dds = v1 => v2 => (v2 / (2**level)) ) );
var thisLeft = (v1, i) => (v2, j) => (v2[0] + dds[i][j] * levelIndex[i] ) ));
var data = [];
d3.range(dims[1]).forEach(j => d3.range(dims[0]).forEach( i=> {
flatIndex: i * dims[1] + j,
i: i,
j: j,
x: thisLeft[0].map( (l, n) => (i * dds[0][n] + l)),
y: thisLeft[1].map( (l, n) => (j * dds[1][n] + l)),
width: dds[0],
height: dds[1],
groupOffset: groupOffset
return data;
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rootGrid = createCells(cfg, 0, [6, 8], [0, 0], -220);
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refinedData = {
var refinedData = [];
var refinedData = refinedData.concat(createCells(cfg, 1, [4, 8], [4, 2], 160));
return refinedData;
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function ringermacherMead(A, B, N) {
return function(phi) {
return A / Math.log(B * Math.tan(phi / (2*N)));
Insert cell
kh = d3.json("");
Insert cell
kelvinHelmholtzAMR = {
var kh_amr = await d3.json("");
var complexConfig = defaultConfig([32, 32], [ [ [0, 512.0], [ 20.0 + width/2, 200.0 ] ],
[ [0, 512.0], [ 0.0, Math.PI ] ] ] );
var cellData0 = createCells(complexConfig, 0, [32, 32], [0, 0], 0);
var cellData1 = createCells(complexConfig, 1, [64, 32], [0, 32], 0);
var cellData2 = createCells(complexConfig, 2, [64, 50], [32, 64], 0);
cellData0.forEach( d => { d.density = kh[d.j][d.i];
d.level = 0; } );
cellData1.forEach( d => { d.density = kh_amr[0]["density"][d.i][d.j + 32];
d.velocity_x = kh_amr[0]["velocity_x"][d.i][d.j + 32];
d.velocity_y = kh_amr[0]["velocity_y"][d.i][d.j + 32];
d.level = 1;
cellData2.forEach( d => { d.density = kh_amr[1]["density"][d.i + 32][d.j + 50];
d.velocity_x = kh_amr[1]["velocity_x"][d.i + 32][d.j + 50];
d.velocity_y = kh_amr[1]["velocity_y"][d.i + 32][d.j + 50];
d.level = 2;
// Remove overlapping data
cellData0 = cellData0.filter( c => {
var ind = [c.i * 2, c.j * 2];
var overlaps = ((ind[0] >= 0) && (ind[0] < 64) && (ind[1] >= 32) && (ind[1] < 64));
return !overlaps;
cellData1 = cellData1.filter( c => {
var ind = [c.i * 2, c.j * 2];
var overlaps = ((ind[0] >= 32) && (ind[0] < 96) && (ind[1] >= 64) && (ind[1] < 114));
return !overlaps;
var cellData = cellData0.concat(cellData1).concat(cellData2);
var cellPaths = createPaths(complexConfig, cellData, 10);
var tree = d3.quadtree().x(d=>d.x[0] + d.width[0]/2).y(d=>d.y[0] + d.height[0]/2).addAll(cellData);
return {'kh_amr': kh_amr, 'cellData': cellData, 'cellPaths': cellPaths, 'tree': tree};
Insert cell
galaxy0030 = d3.json("")
Insert cell
function findOverlappingNodesPoint(point, biggestCell, fn) {
function visitTree(node, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
if ( x0 > point[0] + biggestCell[0]/2 || x1 < point[0] - biggestCell[0]/2
|| y0 > point[1] + biggestCell[1]/2 || y1 < point[1] - biggestCell[1]/2 ) {
return true;
if (!node.length) do {
var d =;
if ( (point[0] >= d.x[0]) && (point[0] <= d.x[0] + d.width[0])
&& (point[1] >= d.y[0]) && (point[1] <= d.y[0] + d.height[0]) ) {
} while (node =;
return visitTree;
Insert cell
function findOverlappingNodesRect(extent, fn) {
function visitTree(node, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
if ( x0 > extent[1][0] || x1 < extent[0][0] || y0 > extent[1][1] || y1 < extent[0][1] ) {
return true;
if (!node.length) do {
var d =;
if ( extent[0][0] < d.x[0] + d.width[0]/2 && extent[0][1] < d.y[0] + d.height[0]/2
&& extent[1][0] > d.x[0] + d.width[0]/2 && extent[1][1] > d.y[0] + d.height[0]/2 ) {
} while (node =;
return visitTree;
Insert cell
d3 = require("d3@5");
Insert cell
d3rect = require("d3-rect");
Insert cell
flubber = require("flubber");
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