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// Construct a 2x2 matrix.
const matrix = tf.tensor2d(
[[1, 2],
[3, 4]]);
// Tensors have a 'data()' method which resolves with the underlying values.
const data = await;
// Tensors also have a 'shape', a 'dtype', and a 'rank';
return {data, shape: matrix.shape, dtype: matrix.dtype, rank: matrix.rank};
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values = {
// Create a vector (rank-1 Tensor) with 1000 equally spaced values between -2*pi and 2*pi for our x-axis.
const x = tf.linspace(-2 * Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI, 1000);

// Computes y = f(x) for each element in x. y is now a vector of the same shape as x.
const y = x.add(tf.scalar(shift)).cos().abs(); // equivalent to tf.abs(tf.cos(tf.add(tf.scalar(shift), x))

// Waits on data to be ready.
const xvals = await;
const yvals = await;
// Map x and y into an array of {x, y} tuples for plotting.
return Array.from(yvals).map((y, i) => { return {'x': xvals[i], 'y': y}});
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outputs = tf.tidy(() => {
// Initialize a, b, c, d variables to random values. These are the values we're going to update!
const a = tf.variable(tf.randomNormal([], 0, .1));
const b = tf.variable(tf.randomNormal([], 0, .1));
const c = tf.variable(tf.randomNormal([], 0, .1));
const d = tf.variable(tf.randomNormal([], 0, .1));

// This is the object that will drive training.
const optimizer = tf.train.sgd(learningRate);
// Normalize the y values between 0 and 1.
// In general, this is super important because many of the functions / initializers
// used in neural networks make assumptions about range of values.
const ymin = inputData.ys.min();
const ymax = inputData.ys.max();
const yrange = ymax.sub(ymin);
const ynormalized = inputData.ys.sub(ymin).div(yrange);
// y = a * x^3 + b * x^2 + c * x + d

// a, b, c, and d are scalar values, but x is a vector!
// We can still perform element-wise ops between the variables and x by "broadcasting", which is built in.
const three = tf.scalar(3, 'int32');
const f = x =>
// The objective function: mean squared error between prediction and actual.
// label here is the observed data.
const loss = (preds, label) => preds.sub(label).square().mean();

// Train the model.
for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
// The function that's passed to minimize should *always* return a scalar value!
optimizer.minimize(() => loss(f(inputData.xs), ynormalized));

// Return the prediction after the model has been trained.
const modelOutput = f(inputData.xs);
// Since we normalized the inputs, we should "undo" the normalization.
const predictions = modelOutput.mul(yrange).add(ymin);
// Variables need to be disposed manually since we continously create and dispose models.
return {predictions};
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