Sep 26, 2022
1 star
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md`Here is some Markdown. Edit me! You can add...
# Headers of
### different sizes,
* bullet
* points

\`fixed width font\`

1. Ordered
2. Lists,

and more. For reference, here is a [guide to formatting using the Markdown syntax](`
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or using the new Markdown mode of Observable:
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Here is some Markdown. Edit me! You can add...
# Headers of
### different sizes,
* bullet
* points

\`fixed width font\`

1. Ordered
2. Lists,

and more. For reference, here is a [guide to formatting using the Markdown syntax](
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html`<h4>Here is some HTML</h4>`
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<h4>Here is some HTML</h4>
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const course = "CSE442";
const message = "Welcome to " + course;
return message;
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currentWeek = 1
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"There are " + (10 - currentWeek) + " weeks left in the quarter"
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442 // a number
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true // a boolean
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isNaN(442) // you may use isNaN(a) to check if a is Not-A-Number
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(1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2 // you can also do math
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Math.random() // or generate 'random' numbers
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2 < 1 // you can compare things
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"A" < "a" // including string comparisons
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2 + 2 === 4 // more comparison
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2 + 2 !== "4" // and more
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2 + 2 == "4" // double equals
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2 + 2 === "4" // triple equals
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date = new Date()
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function addMe(a, b) { // function signature: name and input arguments
return a + b; // function body, with return statement for output
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addMe(2, 2)
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addMe('data', ' visualization')
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addMe('💕', 'U', '😍') // sorry heart-eyes, extra arguments are ignored
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addMe('1') // something from nothing
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addMe2 = (a, b) => a + b
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arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 'hi'] // you can initialize an array like this
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arr1.push('Husky'); // you can push elements to array, this updates the array content
return arr1;
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Insert cell => d * 2)
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result = arr1.filter(d => !isNaN(d)).map(d => d * 2) // keep valid numbers only, then double them
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result.slice().sort() // the default sort method is ascending
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.slice() // you can first make a copy of an array, so we don't overwrite earlier values
.sort((a, b) => b - a) // you can define a custom sort comparator; here we sort numbers in descending order
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object['key'] = 'new Value'
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object['newKey'] = 'new value'
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Object.keys(object) // return an array of property key strings
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Object.values(object) // return an array of property values
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csvText = FileAttachment("sample1@1.csv").text() // loading a text file attached in Observable
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dataCSV = d3.csvParse(csvText) // if we have the text loaded already, we can use d3.csvParse
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csvURL = FileAttachment("sample1@1.csv").url() // you can get the url of a file you attached to Observable with .url()
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dataCSV2 = d3.csv(csvURL) // if we have a URL to a CSV, we can use d3.csv to both load and parse
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auto = d3.csv(csvURL, d3.autoType) // can handle numbers and booleans, but not all date formats
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manual = d3.csv(csvURL, ({Name, Job, date}) => ({Name: Name, Job: Job, 'OH Date': new Date(date)}))
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datee = manual[1]['OH Date'].getDay()
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FileAttachment("sample1.json").text() // here's what JSON data looks like as text
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dataJSON = FileAttachment("sample1.json").json() // load and parse JSON from a file attached in Observable
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json_url = FileAttachment("sample1.json").url() // we can also get a URL for a file attachment
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strJson = JSON.stringify(dataJSON)
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// your code goes here
// uncomment cell below to see the solution
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// your code goes here
// uncomment cell below to see the solution
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cars = (await require('vega-datasets@1'))['cars.json']()
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cars_table = aq.from(cars).view()
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// to be filled -- filter only USA.
// op.upper(): Returns the string value converted to upper case.
// op.includes(array, value[, index]): Determines whether an array includes a certain value among its entries, returning true or false as appropriate.
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// to be filled -- filter and get the highest mpg in the USA.
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// to be filled -- filter for cars only made from USA, sort in decending order, and select a subset of collumn to show for 5 rows only.

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// to be filled -- find answer for each region
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// to be filled -- change the unit for the weights
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One platform to build and deploy the best data apps

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Seamlessly deploy to Observable. Test before you ship, use automatic deploy-on-commit, and ensure your projects are always up-to-date.
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