Feb 7, 2023
6 forks
20 stars
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height: 546,
x: {percent: true},
marks: [
Plot.axisX({anchor: "top", label: "Frequency (%) →"}),
Plot.axisY({anchor: "left", label: null}),
Plot.barX(alphabet, {x: "frequency", y: "letter", fill: "steelblue", sort: {y: "width"}}),
grid ? Plot.gridX({interval: 1, stroke: "#fff", strokeOpacity: 1}) : null,
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height: 556,
x: {percent: true},
marks: [
Plot.gridX({interval: 1}),
Plot.axisX({anchor: "top", label: "Frequency (%) →"}),
Plot.axisX({anchor: "bottom", label: null}),
Plot.axisY({anchor: "left", label: null}),
Plot.barX(alphabet, {x: "frequency", y: "letter", fill: "steelblue"}),
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y: {percent: true},
caption: md`Data: *The Onion*’s “Why Are We Leaving Facebook?”`,
marks: [
Plot.axisX({label: null, lineWidth: 8, marginBottom: 40}),
Plot.axisY({label: "↑ Responses (%)"}),
Plot.barY(responses, {x: "name", y: "value"}),
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marginTop: 0,
marginLeft: 4,
x: {ticks: 4, label: "Yield (kg) →"},
marks: [
Plot.barX([42, 17, 32], {y: ["🍌 banana", "🍎 apple", "🍐 pear"]}),
Plot.axisY({textAnchor: "start", fill: "white", fontWeight: "bold", dx: 14})
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inset: 10,
marks: [
Plot.frame({fill: "#eaeaea"}),
Plot.gridY({stroke: "#fff", strokeOpacity: 1}),
Plot.gridX({stroke: "#fff", strokeOpacity: 1}),
Plot.line(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close"})
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round: true,
marginLeft: 0, // don’t need left-margin since labels are inset
x: {label: null, insetLeft: 36}, // reserve space for inset labels
marks: [
strokeDasharray: "0.75,2", // dashed
strokeOpacity: 1 // opaque
tickSize: 0, // don’t draw ticks
dx: 38, // offset right
dy: -6, // offset up
lineAnchor: "bottom", // draw labels above grid lines
tickFormat: (d, i, _) => (i === _.length - 1 ? `$${d}` : d)
Plot.line(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close", markerEnd: "dot"})
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marks: [
Plot.line(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close"}),
ticks: 20,
tickFormat: (
(formatYear, formatMonth) => (x) =>
d3.utcMonth.count(d3.utcYear(x), x) < 1
? `${formatMonth(x)}\n${formatYear(x)}`
: formatMonth(x)
)(d3.utcFormat("%Y"), d3.utcFormat("%b"))
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width: 960,
x: {round: true, nice: d3.utcWeek},
y: {inset: 6},
marks: [
Plot.frame({fill: "#eaeaea"}),
Plot.frame({anchor: "bottom"}),
Plot.axisX({ticks: "year", tickSize: 28, tickPadding: -11, tickFormat: " %Y", textAnchor: "start"}),
Plot.axisX({ticks: "month", tickSize: 16, tickPadding: -11, tickFormat: " %b", textAnchor: "start"}),
Plot.gridX({ticks: "week", stroke: "#fff", strokeOpacity: 1, insetBottom: -0.5}),
Plot.line(aapl.slice(-340, -10), {x: "Date", y: "Close", curve: "step"})
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marginRight: 0,
marks: [
Plot.line(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close"}),
Plot.gridY({x: (y) => aapl.find((d) => d.Close >= y)?.Date, insetLeft: -6}),
Plot.axisY({x: (y) => aapl.find((d) => d.Close >= y)?.Date, insetLeft: -6, textStroke: "white"})
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Plot.axisX(d3.ticks(0, 1, 10), {color: "red"}).plot() // text fill and tick stroke
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Plot.axisX(d3.ticks(0, 1, 10), {stroke: Plot.identity, strokeWidth: 3, tickSize: 10}).plot() // tick stroke
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Plot.axisX(d3.ticks(0, 1, 10), {fill: "red"}).plot() // text fill
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height: 40,
style: "background: #777;",
x: {domain: [0, 100]},
marks: [
stroke: "white",
textStroke: "white",
textStrokeWidth: 3,
textStrokeOpacity: 0.6
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chart = Plot.plot({
facet: {marginRight: 80},
grid: true,
marks: [
Plot.frame(),, {x: "culmen_length_mm", y: "culmen_depth_mm", fx: "sex", fy: "species"}),
Plot.axisX({color: "red", anchor, facetAnchor: facetAnchor === "auto" ? undefined : facetAnchor}),
Plot.axisFx({color: "blue", anchor: anchor === "top" ? "bottom" : "top"}) // place fx axis opposite x
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height: 80,
grid: true,
x: {type: "linear"},
marks: [
Plot.axisX({anchor: "top", label: "top-left", labelAnchor: "left"}),
Plot.axisX({anchor: "top", label: "top-center", labelAnchor: "center", ticks: []}),
Plot.axisX({anchor: "top", label: "top-right", labelAnchor: "right", ticks: []}),
Plot.axisX({anchor: "bottom", label: "bottom-left", labelAnchor: "left"}),
Plot.axisX({anchor: "bottom", label: "bottom-center", labelAnchor: "center", ticks: []}),
Plot.axisX({anchor: "bottom", label: "bottom-right", labelAnchor: "right", ticks: []})
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grid: true,
y: {type: "linear"},
marks: [
Plot.axisY({anchor: "left", label: "left-top", labelAnchor: "top"}),
Plot.axisY({anchor: "left", label: "left-center", labelAnchor: "center", ticks: []}),
Plot.axisY({anchor: "left", label: "left-bottom", labelAnchor: "bottom", ticks: []}),
Plot.axisY({anchor: "right", label: "right-top", labelAnchor: "top"}),
Plot.axisY({anchor: "right", label: "right-center", labelAnchor: "center", ticks: []}),
Plot.axisY({anchor: "right", label: "right-bottom", labelAnchor: "bottom", ticks: []})
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responses = d3.tsvParse(`name\tvalue
Family in feud with Zucker\u00adbergs\t.17
Committed 671 birthdays to memory\t.19
Ex is doing too well\t.10
High school friends all dead now\t.15
Discovered how to “like” things mentally\t.27
Not enough politics\t.12
Insert cell

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