Jan 24, 2022
1 fork
10 stars
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// set up our color scale to match EIA color schemes
color = ({
domain: ['solar', 'wind', 'coal', 'natural gas', 'nuclear', 'hydro', 'other'],
range: ["#FEC704","#5C9631", "#664F06","#BD7229","#A1333F","#0395D6","#ADADAD"]
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
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facet: {
data: data,
y: "type",
marginRight: 200,
fy: {
//domain: ["coal", "nuclear", "wind", "natural gas", "solar", "hydro", "other"] // uncomment to order facets
domain: ["coal", "nuclear", "wind", "natural gas"] // uncomment to limit to just 4 segments
marks: [
Plot.frame({ stroke: "lightgray" }),
Plot.areaY(data, {
x: "date",
y: "value",
fill: "type",
width: 800,
marginLeft: 70,
height: 800,
/* :{
domain: ['solar', 'wind', 'coal', 'natural gas', 'nuclear', 'hydro', 'other'],
range: highlightRange

Insert cell
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
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function renderSnippetOverride(str) {
try {
// TODO: if you want to support more variables in the solutions you add them as a string and pass them in here
const func = new Function("data", "Plot", "d3", "width", "color", `return ${str}`)
return func(data, Plot, d3, width, color);
catch(e) {}
Insert cell
import {textcolor} from "@observablehq/text-color-annotations-in-markdown"
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
data = => {
return {
type: generation from (.*) for/)[1]
Insert cell

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