Feb 23, 2024
3 forks
22 stars
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curData = data.filter(d => d.State == state & d.Scenario == scenario & d.StatePctRecorded == statePctRecorded)
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curStateData = ({
'DemVotes': d3.sum(curData, d=> +d.DemVotes),
'RepVotes': d3.sum(curData, d=> +d.RepVotes),
'TotalVoters': d3.sum(curData, d=> (+d.DemVotes) + (+d.RepVotes) + (+d.RemainingVotes))
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curStateShape = stateShapes.features.filter(d => == states.get(state).FIPS)
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curCountyShapes = countyShapes.features.filter(d =>,2) == states.get(state).FIPS)
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shapesWithDataCounty = curCountyShapes // Counties for current state selected
.map(s => {
let curCountyResults = curData.filter(d=> d.FIPS ==[0]
let curColor = curCountyResults && +curCountyResults.DemVotes == +curCountyResults.RepVotes ? '#ccc' :
curCountyResults && +curCountyResults.DemVotes > +curCountyResults.RepVotes ? '#2e74c0' :
let colRamp = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 1]).range(["#2e74c0", "#cb454a"])
let curColorRamped = colRamp(+curCountyResults.RepVotes / (+curCountyResults.DemVotes + +curCountyResults.RepVotes))
return ({
color: curColor,
colorRamped: curColorRamped,
centroid: turf.centroid(s),
TotalVoters: (+curCountyResults.DemVotes) + (+curCountyResults.RepVotes) + (+curCountyResults.RemainingVotes)
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colRamp = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 1]).range(["#2e74c0", "#cb454a"])
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curStateCities = stateCitiesGeo.get(state)
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packedDotRadius = ( 0.037 * width * mapScale )* (1.5 / 30 ) // radius for inner dot. Should probably change it to function of max donut size
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maxPackedDots = 208 // number of dots to put in the biggest County.
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packedDotPop = // population associated with 1 dot it biggest County.
d3.max(shapesWithDataCounty, d=> d.TotalVoters) / maxPackedDots
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pack = (data,outerRadius) => d3.pack()
.size([outerRadius*2, outerRadius*2])
.radius(d=> d3.min([packedDotRadius, outerRadius]))
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circlePackData = d=> {
let packedDotCount = d3.max([1, Math.round(d.TotalVoters / packedDotPop)]) // d3.max to ensure dots > 0
let countyPack = pack( {children:d3.range(packedDotCount)}, d.r)
return {
r: countyPack.children.length > 1 ? countyPack.r : d.r,
x: d.x,
y: d.y,
children: => ({x: c.x, y: c.y, r: c.r, col: circlePackDotColor(d.DemVotes, d.RepVotes, d.TotalVoters)}))
} ;
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circlePackDotColor = (demVoters, repVoters, totalVoters, colorScale = ({dem: "#2e74c0", rep: "#cb454a", remaining: '#BBB' })) => {
let rand = Math.random()
if (rand < +demVoters / +totalVoters ) {
return colorScale.dem
} else if (rand < (+demVoters + +repVoters)/ +totalVoters) {
return colorScale.rep
} else {
return colorScale.remaining
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curProps = countyPartyProps.get(state).get(scenario).get(statePctRecorded)
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dotPop = // population associated with 1 dot.
d3.sum(shapesWithDataCounty, d=> d.TotalVoters) / curDots.length
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dotColor = function(propArray, randNum, colorScale = ({dem: "#2e74c0", rep: "#cb454a", remaining: '#fbf418' })) {
if(+randNum < +propArray[0]){
return colorScale.dem
} else if(+randNum < +propArray[1]) {
return colorScale.rep
} else {
return colorScale.remaining
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curDots = stateDots.get(state)
.map( d => {
return {coordsProjected: projection(d.coords),
color: dotColor(curProps.get(d.FIPS), d.rand)
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proportionToHex = x => (Math.round(x * 255)).toString(16);
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curStateCentroidCoords = turf.centroid(curStateShape[0]).geometry.coordinates
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projection =
.rotate([(state == 'Arizona' ? 111.5 : -curStateCentroidCoords[0]), 0])
.center([0, curStateCentroidCoords[1]])
.fitSize([width*mapScale, height*mapScale], curStateShape[0])
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mapScale = (sidebarPlotPixels > 0.12 * width ? 1 : 0.75)
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height = width * 7/9
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bubbleRadiusScale = d3.scaleSqrt()
.domain([0, d3.max(> d.TotalVoters))])
.range([0, 0.035 * width * mapScale])
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donutRadiusScale = d3.scaleSqrt()
.domain([0, d3.max(> d.TotalVoters))])
.range([0, 0.037 * width * mapScale])
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addStateOutlineToMap = (g) => {
g.append( "path" )
.attr( "d", d3.geoPath().projection(projection)(curStateShape[0] ))
.attr( "stroke", "#888")
.attr( "fill", "none")
.attr( "stroke-width", 1.8)
.attr( "opacity", 0.8 )
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d3.geoPath().projection(projection)(curStateShape[0] )
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addCountiesToMap = (g, mapSpecifier, opacity = 0.8) =>
.join( "path" )
.attr( "fill",d => (mapSpecifier == "choropleth" ? d.color : "#FFFFFF00"))
//.attr( "fill",d => (mapSpecifier == "choropleth" ? d.color : "white"))
.attr( "opacity", opacity )
.attr( "stroke", "#999")
.attr( "d", d3.geoPath().projection(projection) )
.on('click', function(event, d) {console.log(d)} )
.on('mouseenter', function(event,d) {'#county-results-' + mapSpecifier).style('visibility','visible')
.html(makeResultsTable( + ' County', d, mapSpecifier))
.on('mouseleave', function(event,d){'#county-results-' + mapSpecifier).style('visibility','hidden')

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addCityLabels = g => {'pointer-events', 'none')
.attr("fill", "#333")
.attr("r", 2)
.attr("transform", d => {
let p = projection(d.geometry.coordinates)
return `translate(${p})`
.attr("fill", "#222222")
.style('font-weight', 'bold')
.style('font-size', '19px')
.attr("x", 4)
.attr("y", 10)
.attr("transform", d => {
let p = projection(d.geometry.coordinates)
return `translate(${p})`
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addBubblesToMap = (g, remainingOpacity = false, colorRamp = false) => {
let opacityMultiplier = (d) => remainingOpacity == false ? 1 : (1.5 * (+d.DemVotes + +d.RepVotes)/+d.TotalVoters)'pointer-events', 'none')
g.selectAll( "circle" )
.join( "circle" )
.attr( "fill", d=> colorRamp ? d.colorRamped : d.color )
.attr( "fill-opacity", d=> 0.4 * opacityMultiplier(d) )
.attr( "stroke", d=> colorRamp ? d.colorRamped : d.color)
.attr( "stroke-opacity", d=> 0.4 + ( 0.4* opacityMultiplier(d)))
.attr('r',d=> bubbleRadiusScale(d.TotalVoters))
.attr("transform", d => {
let p = projection(d.centroid.geometry.coordinates)
return `translate(${p})`
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addDonutsToMap = g => {'pointer-events', 'none')
.data( pieData )
.attr("class", 'circles')
.attr("id", d => ('circles' +
.attr('opacity', 0.75)
.data((d,i)=> pie( pieData[i].data ))
.attr("fill", d => colors[])
.attr("d", d3.arc()
.innerRadius( d=> 0.4 *
.attr("transform", d=> "translate(" + + "," + + ")")
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addSidebar = (container, mapSpecifier) => {
// add sidebar with counts for current state and placeholder for counties (to be triggered on mouseenter of counties).
const sidebar = container.append('div').style('width','23%').style('vertical-align','top').style('display','inline-block')
sidebar.append('div').html(makeResultsTable(state, curStateData, mapSpecifier))
sidebar.append('div').style('padding-top','40px').attr('id', 'county-results-' + mapSpecifier).style('visibility','hidden')
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sidebarPlotPixels = 100
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sideBarColOpacityHex = 'B3'
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makeResultsTable = function(place, dd, mapSpecifier) {
let [demVotes, repVotes, totalVoters] = [+dd.DemVotes, +dd.RepVotes, +dd.TotalVoters]
let demoninator = demVotes + repVotes;
if(mapSpecifier != 'choropleth' & mapSpecifier != 'bubbles') {demoninator = totalVoters}
let outputHtml = `
<div id='sidebar'>
<h3>${place} Results</h3>
<th width="1%"></th>
<th width="30%" style="text-align: left;">Candidate</th>
<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: right;">Votes</th>
<th width= "40%"></th>
<tr style="max-width:20%">
<td><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><circle cx="50%" cy="50%" r="4" fill="${colors.rep + sideBarColOpacityHex}"></circle></svg></td>

<td style="text-align: right;">${d3.format(",")(repVotes)}</td>
<td><div class="bar-background" >
<span class="bar-span rep" style="width: ${100 * repVotes / demoninator}%"></span>
<td><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><circle cx="50%" cy="50%" r="4" fill="${colors.dem + sideBarColOpacityHex}"></circle></svg></td>
<td style=";text-align: right;">${d3.format(",")(demVotes)}</td>
<td><div class="bar-background" >
<span class="bar-span dem" style="width: ${100 * demVotes / demoninator}%"></span>
if (mapSpecifier != 'choropleth' & mapSpecifier != 'bubbles' ) {
outputHtml += `<tr>
<td><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><circle cx="50%" cy="50%" r="4" fill=${mapSpecifier == "dots" ? "#fbf418": "#444"}></circle></svg></td>
<td>Est. Left to Count</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">~${d3.format(",.2r")(totalVoters - (demVotes + repVotes))}</td>
<td><div class="bar-background" >
<span class="bar-span" style="background:${mapSpecifier == "dots" ? "#fbf418": "#444"};width: ${100 * (totalVoters - (demVotes + repVotes)) / demoninator}%"></span>
} else {
outputHtml +=
` </tbody>
<div style="font-size: 12px;">Est. ${d3.format('.0%')((demVotes+ repVotes)/totalVoters)} votes in</div>`
outputHtml += `</div>
#sidebar td {
vertical-align: middle;
#sidebar .bar-background {
display: flex;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 0.6rem;
#sidebar .bar-background::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
background-color: #ccc;
#sidebar .bar-span {
height: 0.6rem;
#sidebar .dem {
background:${colors.dem + sideBarColOpacityHex};
#sidebar .rep {
background:${colors.rep + sideBarColOpacityHex};

return outputHtml
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annote1Url = FileAttachment("BubbleAnnot1@1.png").url()
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annote2Url = FileAttachment("BubbleAnnot2.png").url()
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annote3Url = FileAttachment("BubbleAnnot3.png").url()
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annote4Url = FileAttachment("BubbleAnnot4@2.png").url()
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annoteDonut = FileAttachment("annoteDonut2.png").url()
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annotePackedDot = FileAttachment("annotePackedDot.png").url()
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d3 = require('d3@6')
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topojson = require("topojson-client@3")
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turf = require('')
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