Feb 23, 2022
Insert cell
Insert cell
chart = {
const svg = d3.create("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);

x.domain([0, root.value]);

.attr("class", "background")
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("pointer-events", "all")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr("cursor", "pointer")
.on("click", (event, d) => up(svg, d));



down(svg, root);

return svg.node();
Insert cell
// Creates a set of bars for the given data node, at the specified index.
function bar(svg, down, d, selector) {
const g = svg.insert("g", selector)
.attr("class", "enter")
.attr("transform", `translate(0,${ + barStep * barPadding})`)
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.style("font", "10px sans-serif");

const bar = g.selectAll("g")
.attr("cursor", d => !d.children ? null : "pointer")
.on("click", (event, d) => down(svg, d));

.attr("x", margin.left - 6)
.attr("y", barStep * (1 - barPadding) / 2)
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(d =>;

.attr("x", x(0))
.attr("width", d => x(d.value) - x(0))
.attr("height", barStep * (1 - barPadding));

return g;
Insert cell
function down(svg, d) {
if (!d.children || return;

// Rebind the current node to the background.".background").datum(d);

// Define two sequenced transitions.
const transition1 = svg.transition().duration(duration);
const transition2 = transition1.transition();

// Mark any currently-displayed bars as exiting.
const exit = svg.selectAll(".enter")
.attr("class", "exit");

// Entering nodes immediately obscure the clicked-on bar, so hide it.
.attr("fill-opacity", p => p === d ? 0 : null);

// Transition exiting bars to fade out.
.attr("fill-opacity", 0)

// Enter the new bars for the clicked-on data.
// Per above, entering bars are immediately visible.
const enter = bar(svg, down, d, ".y-axis")
.attr("fill-opacity", 0);

// Have the text fade-in, even though the bars are visible.
.attr("fill-opacity", 1);

// Transition entering bars to their new y-position.
.attr("transform", stack(d.index))
.attr("transform", stagger());

// Update the x-scale domain.
x.domain([0, d3.max(d.children, d => d.value)]);

// Update the x-axis.

// Transition entering bars to the new x-scale.
.attr("transform", (d, i) => `translate(0,${barStep * i})`);

// Color the bars as parents; they will fade to children if appropriate.
.attr("fill", color(true))
.attr("fill-opacity", 1)
.attr("fill", d => color(!!d.children))
.attr("width", d => x(d.value) - x(0));
Insert cell
function up(svg, d) {
if (!d.parent || !svg.selectAll(".exit").empty()) return;

// Rebind the current node to the background.".background").datum(d.parent);

// Define two sequenced transitions.
const transition1 = svg.transition().duration(duration);
const transition2 = transition1.transition();

// Mark any currently-displayed bars as exiting.
const exit = svg.selectAll(".enter")
.attr("class", "exit");

// Update the x-scale domain.
x.domain([0, d3.max(d.parent.children, d => d.value)]);

// Update the x-axis.

// Transition exiting bars to the new x-scale.
.attr("transform", stagger());

// Transition exiting bars to the parent’s position.
.attr("transform", stack(d.index));

// Transition exiting rects to the new scale and fade to parent color.
.attr("width", d => x(d.value) - x(0))
.attr("fill", color(true));

// Transition exiting text to fade out.
// Remove exiting nodes.
.attr("fill-opacity", 0)

// Enter the new bars for the clicked-on data's parent.
const enter = bar(svg, down, d.parent, ".exit")
.attr("fill-opacity", 0);

.attr("transform", (d, i) => `translate(0,${barStep * i})`);

// Transition entering bars to fade in over the full duration.
.attr("fill-opacity", 1);

// Color the bars as appropriate.
// Exiting nodes will obscure the parent bar, so hide it.
// Transition entering rects to the new x-scale.
// When the entering parent rect is done, make it visible!
.attr("fill", d => color(!!d.children))
.attr("fill-opacity", p => p === d ? 0 : null)
.attr("width", d => x(d.value) - x(0))
.on("end", function(p) {"fill-opacity", 1); });
Insert cell
function stack(i) {
let value = 0;
return d => {
const t = `translate(${x(value) - x(0)},${barStep * i})`;
value += d.value;
return t;
Insert cell
function stagger() {
let value = 0;
return (d, i) => {
const t = `translate(${x(value) - x(0)},${barStep * i})`;
value += d.value;
return t;
Insert cell
root = d3.hierarchy(data)
.sum(d => d.value)
.sort((a, b) => b.value - a.value)
.eachAfter(d => d.index = d.parent ? d.parent.index = d.parent.index + 1 || 0 : 0)
Insert cell
data = FileAttachment("casos_uninet_feb2022.json").json()
Insert cell
x = d3.scaleLinear().range([margin.left, width - margin.right])
Insert cell
xAxis = g => g
.attr("class", "x-axis")
.attr("transform", `translate(0,${})`)
.call(d3.axisTop(x).ticks(width / 80, "s"))
.call(g => (g.selection ? g.selection() : g).select(".domain").remove())
Insert cell
yAxis = g => g
.attr("class", "y-axis")
.attr("transform", `translate(${margin.left + 0.5},0)`)
.call(g => g.append("line")
.attr("stroke", "currentColor")
.attr("y2", height - margin.bottom))
Insert cell
color = d3.scaleOrdinal([true, false], ["steelblue", "#aaa"])
Insert cell
barStep = 27
Insert cell
barPadding = 3 / barStep
Insert cell
duration = 750
Insert cell
height = {
let max = 1;
root.each(d => d.children && (max = Math.max(max, d.children.length)));
return max * barStep + + margin.bottom;
Insert cell
margin = ({top: 30, right: 30, bottom: 0, left: 100})
Insert cell
d3 = require("d3@6")
Insert cell

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