May 1, 2024
3 forks
52 stars
Insert cell
Insert cell
container = html `<div style="height:450px;"></div>`
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
defaultProps = {
return {
// Frequency of the running light
getFrequency: {type: 'accessor', value: 1},
// Speed of the running light
animationSpeed: {type: 'number', min: 0, value: 1},
// Size of the blob
tailLength: {type: 'number', min: 0, value: 1}
Insert cell
layer0 = {
const {ArcLayer} = deck;
// Our custom layer class
class AnimatedArcLayer extends ArcLayer {
AnimatedArcLayer.layerName = 'AnimatedArcLayer';
AnimatedArcLayer.defaultProps = defaultProps;

return new AnimatedArcLayer({
id: `arc-${}`,
getTargetColor: [0, 200, 255],
getSourceColor: d => [255, 200 - d.distance / 50, 0],
getFrequency: d => d.routes
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
layer1 = {
const {ArcLayer} = deck;
// Our custom layer class
class AnimatedArcLayer extends ArcLayer {

initializeState(params) {
instanceFrequency: {
size: 1,
accessor: 'getFrequency',
defaultValue: 1
draw(opts) {
tailLength: this.props.tailLength,
animationSpeed: this.props.animationSpeed,
timestamp: % 86400000
// By default, the needsRedraw flag is cleared at each render. We want the layer to continue
// refreshing.
AnimatedArcLayer.layerName = 'AnimatedArcLayer';
AnimatedArcLayer.defaultProps = defaultProps;

return new AnimatedArcLayer({
id: `arc-${}`,
getTargetColor: [0, 200, 255],
getSourceColor: d => [255, 200 - d.distance / 50, 0],
getFrequency: d => d.routes
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
fsColorFilter = `
float tripDuration = vArcLength / animationSpeed;
float flightInterval = 1.0 / vFrequency;
float r = mod(geometry.uv.x, flightInterval);

// Head of the trip (alpha = 1.0)
float rMax = mod(fract(timestamp / tripDuration), flightInterval);
// Tail of the trip (alpha = 0.0)
float rMin = rMax - tailLength / vArcLength;
// Two consecutive trips can overlap
float alpha = (r > rMax ? 0.0 : smoothstep(rMin, rMax, r)) + smoothstep(rMin + flightInterval, rMax + flightInterval, r);
if (alpha == 0.0) {
color.a *= alpha;
Insert cell
layer2 = {
const {ArcLayer} = deck;
// Our custom layer class
class AnimatedArcLayer extends ArcLayer {
getShaders() {
const shaders = super.getShaders();
shaders.inject = {
'vs:#decl': vsDeclaration,
'vs:#main-end': vsMain,
'fs:#decl': fsDeclaration,
'fs:DECKGL_FILTER_COLOR': fsColorFilter
return shaders;

initializeState(params) {
instanceFrequency: {
size: 1,
accessor: 'getFrequency',
defaultValue: 1
draw(opts) {
tailLength: this.props.tailLength,
animationSpeed: this.props.animationSpeed,
timestamp: ( / 1000) % 86400
// By default, the needsRedraw flag is cleared at each render. We want the layer to continue
// refreshing.
AnimatedArcLayer.layerName = 'AnimatedArcLayer';
AnimatedArcLayer.defaultProps = defaultProps;

const layer = new AnimatedArcLayer({
id: `arc-${}`,
getTargetColor: [0, 200, 255],
getSourceColor: d => [255, 200 - d.distance / 50, 0],
getFrequency: d => d.routes,
animationSpeed: 3,
tailLength: 5
deckgl.setProps({layers: [layer]});
return layer;
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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