Aug 2, 2024
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Insert cell
Untitled spreadsheet - google_sheets-candidates (2).csv
Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
import {slider} from "@jashkenas/inputs"
Insert cell
import {Button} from "@observablehq/inputs"
Insert cell
import {Scrubber} from "@mbostock/scrubber"
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dataviz.morph([curr_year, grouping])
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Insert cell
width = 1100
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mutable initialHeight = 550 // inital height *remove mutable state
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main_vis_margins = ({"top":190, "bottom":10, "left":80, "right":100})
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height_All = 550
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height_region = 900
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height_income = 700
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y_center = d3.scaleBand().domain(['All']).range([main_vis_margins['bottom'], height_All-main_vis_margins['top']]).padding(1)
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y_IncomeGroup = d3.scaleBand().domain([...new Set(quotadata.map(d => d.IncomeGroup))]).range([main_vis_margins['bottom'],height_income-main_vis_margins['top']]).padding(1)
Insert cell
y_region = d3.scaleBand().domain([...new Set(quotadata.map(d => d.Region))]).range([main_vis_margins['bottom'],height_region-main_vis_margins['top']]).padding(1)
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x = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 70]).range([main_vis_margins['left'], width - main_vis_margins['right']])
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electedCandidates = d3.group(untitledSpreadsheetGoogle_sheetsCandidates2, d=> d.candidatename)
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h1 = 1350
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w1 = 1000
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center_gap = 30
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margin = ({"top":30, "bottom":20, "left":150, "right":10})
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xAxis1 = g => g
.attr("transform", `translate(${0},${(h1*h_ratio) - center_gap/2})`)
.call(g => g.select(".domain").remove())
.attr('class', "text_vis2_medium")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("font-weight", "bold")

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candidate_parties = ['PAP','PSP', 'WP' ,"SDP", 'NSP', "PV", "SDA", "SPP", 'RP', 'RDU', "PPP", "Independent"]
Insert cell
x1 = d3.scaleBand()
.range([margin.left, w1 - margin.right]).padding(1)
Insert cell
Insert cell
candidates_grouped = {
return d3.group(candidates2020, d=>d.gender, d=>d.party)
Insert cell
Insert cell

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