Feb 10, 2022
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
* Uses Henderson–Hasselbalch's equation to calculate pH based on serum HCO3 and PCO2
function HH_pH(PCO2, HCO3=24, pKa=6.1, alpha=0.03){
let pH = pKa + Math.log10(HCO3/(alpha * PCO2))
return pH
Insert cell
* Uses Henderson–Hasselbalch's equation to calculate pCO2 based on serum HCO3 and pH
function HH_PCO2(pH, HCO3, pKa=6.1, alpha=0.03){
let pCO2 = HCO3 / (10**(pH-pKa) * alpha)
return pCO2
Insert cell
* Takes a tidal volume(TV), respiratory rate(RR), and dead space volume (TVd)
* Returns alveolar ventilation(VA), and dead space ventilation(VD)
function MV(TV, RR, TVd=0){
let TVa = TV - TVd
let VD = TVd * RR
let VA = TVa * RR
return [VA, VD]
Insert cell
* Calculates new PCO2 based on old PCO2, and changes in tidal volume, and respiratory rate accounting for dead space
function newPCO2(TV_old, RR_old, PCO2_old, TV_new, RR_new, TVd){
let [VA_old, VD_old] = MV(TV_old, RR_old, TVd)
let [VA_new, VD_new] = MV(TV_new, RR_new, TVd)
let PCO2_new = VA_old * PCO2_old / VA_new
return PCO2_new
Insert cell

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