Feb 12, 2024
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
nlp('hello neighbour!').replace('neighbour','neighbourino').text()
Insert cell
Insert cell
let doc = nlp('No, my son is also named Bart.')
doc.match('bart').replaceWith('bort', { keepCase: false })
return doc.text()
Insert cell
Insert cell
let doc = nlp('Spencer is very cool.')
doc.match('spencer').replaceWith('jogging', { keepTags: true })
return doc.firstTerm().out('tags')[0].jogging
Insert cell
Insert cell
nlp('hello').replaceWith('a hoy hoy').text()
Insert cell
Insert cell
nlp("The summer wind came blowin' in").insertAfter('from across the sea').text()
Insert cell
Insert cell
nlp("back to Winnipeg!").insertBefore('That\'s it,').text()
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
let all = nlp(`your older, balder son`).adjectives()
let more = nlp('fatter')
return all.out('array')
Insert cell
Insert cell
let doc = nlp(`..and that's how I got the vending machine contract for the kremlin`)
doc.match('for the kremlin').remove()
return doc.text('trim')
Insert cell
Insert cell
let doc = nlp('before one two three after')
let m = doc.numbers() // 'one two three'
m = m.not('two')
return m.out('array') // 'one', 'three'
Insert cell
Insert cell
let doc = nlp("springfield, springfield, it's a hell of a town.")
// child one
let a = doc.match('a hell of a town')
// child two
let b = a.match('a hell of a')
// transform the second child
b.replace('hell of a', 'reasonable')
//all views have changed
return {
Insert cell
Insert cell
let doc = nlp("before one two three after")
// keep a 'dangling' child document
let m = doc.match('one two three')
// transform the parent document
doc.replace('one two three', 'new')
//dangling document is updated? ❌
return m.text()
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
let doc = nlp('i walked downtown').compute('root')
doc.swap('walk', 'stroll') //use root-forms
return doc.text()
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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