Jan 23, 2024
2 stars
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let matches = [
{ match: 'john c .' },
{ match: 'john foo' },
{ match: 'john .? reilly'},
//compile them into an efficient index
let net = nlp.buildNet(matches)

// pass some text through it
let doc = nlp(sentence)
let res = doc.sweep(net)
//return a list of unique results
let m = res.view.settle()
return m.text()
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let matches = [
{ match: 'john c .', tag:'Actor1' },
{ match: 'john foo', tag:'Foo' },
{ match: 'john .? reilly', tag:'Actor2'},
//compile them into an index
let net = nlp.buildNet(matches)

// throw some text at it
let doc = nlp(sentence)
let res = doc.sweep(net)

// highlight any #Actor2 terms
return html`${doc.html({'.red':'#Actor2+'})}`
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let matches = [
{ match: 'juicy fruit', tag: 'Singular', freeze: true }, // ✅
{ match: 'juicy', tag: 'Adjective' }, // ❌
let doc = nlp(`i ate juicy fruit on the front steps`)
let net = nlp.buildNet(matches)
// see that 'juicy fruit' is unchanged
return doc.match('#Singular+').text()
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let matches = [
{ match: 'united', tag: 'Adjective', safe:true }, // ❌
let doc = nlp(`i visited the United Arab Emirates`)
let net = nlp.buildNet(matches)
// see that 'united' is a country, and not an adjective
return doc.match('#Country+').text()
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let doc = nlp('i swim in the lake. i walk in the road')
let net = nlp.buildNet([{ match: 'i (swim|walk) in the .', notIf: 'in the (park|lake)' }])
let m = doc.match(net)
return m.out('array')
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let doc = nlp('i swim in the lake')
let net = nlp.buildNet([{ match: 'i #Verb in the [.]', group: 0, notIf: 'swim' }])
let m = doc.match(net)
return m.out('array')
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let matches = [
{ match: 'john c #LastName' }, // first match
{ match: 'foo' },
{ match: '#Person+'}, // this would also match
let net = nlp.buildNet(matches)
let doc = nlp(sentence)
let { found } = doc.sweep(net, { matchOne: true }) //stop at 1
return found[0]
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let matches = [
{ match: 'john c #LastName' }, // first match
{ match: 'foo' },
{ match: '#Person+'}, // matches both actors
let net = nlp.buildNet(matches)
let doc = nlp(sentence)
let { found } = doc.sweep(net)
//draw-up a little html
return html`<table>
<td>index</td> <td>match</td> <td>results</td>
${,i)=> {
return '<tr><td>'+i+'</td><td>' + res.match + '</td><td>' + JSON.stringify(res.view.out('array')) + '</td></tr>'
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