Nov 24, 2022
5 stars
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nlp('Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me').match('#Verb').out('array')
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nlp('Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me').verbs().out('array')
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nlp('a buck eh, that gives me an idea').verbs().json()[0]
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nlp("it's quite funny").match('is').verbs().adverbs().text()
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nlp("you and your whole lousy operation stink").verbs().adverbs().text()
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nlp('I’m looking for Amanda Hugginkiss').verbs().conjugate()[0]
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nlp('i should really study').verbs().conjugate()[0]
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nlp('we get it, you vape').verbs().toPastTense().all().text()
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nlp('nobody liked Milhouse!').verbs().toPresentTense().all().text()
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nlp(`we're not worthy!`).verbs().toFutureTense().all().text()
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nlp(`chilling out max and relaxing all cool.`).verbs().toInfinitive().all().text()
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nlp("All my life I’ve had one dream, to accomplish my many goals.").verbs().toGerund().all().text()
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nlp(`you are lisa simpson`).verbs().toNegative().all().text()
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nlp("okay, don't use reverse psychology").verbs().toPositive().all().text()
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nlp(`we're not gonna take it`).verbs().isNegative().out('array')
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nlp(`we're not gonna take it`).verbs().isPositive().out('array')
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nlp(`i saw the game that the Toronto Maple Leafs won`).verbs().isPlural().out('array')
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nlp(`i saw the game that the Toronto Maple Leafs won`).verbs().isSingular().out('array')
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let doc = nlp('slab') //assumes it's a noun
doc.verbs().toPastTense() //this does nothing
return doc.text()
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let doc = nlp('slab').tag('Verb') // co-erce it to a #Verb
doc.verbs().toPastTense() //now this changes it
return doc.text()
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