options = ({
chart: {
animation: false,
backgroundColor: "transparent",
reflow: false,
style: { fontSize: "1em" }
legend: {
itemStyle: { fontSize: "0.875em", fontWeight: "normal" },
symbolRadius: 0
plotOptions: { series: { animation: false } },
series: [
borderColor: "#66BB6A",
color: "#C8E6C9",
data: data.openingClosingHeadcount,
name: "Period of Growth",
type: "columnrange"
borderColor: "#FFA726",
color: "#FFE0B2",
name: "Period of Decline",
type: "arearange"
color: "#2296F3",
data: data.averageHeadcount,
name: "Average Headcount",
type: "line"
color: "#795548",
data: data.fte,
name: "Full-Time Equivalents",
type: "line"
title: {
style: { fontSize: "1.125em" },
text: `Full-Time Equivalents by Month for ${WorkforceData.sizeByMonthForCalendarYear.year}`
xAxis: [
categories: Data.monthAbbreviations,
labels: { style: { fontSize: "0.875em" } }
yAxis: [
labels: { format: "{value:,.0f}", style: { fontSize: "0.875em" } },
title: { text: "Headcount" }