Mar 5, 2020
22 stars
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function solveEquation(terms) {
const parsed = terms
.map(t => parseTerm(t));

const [x1, y1, c1] = parsed[0];
const [x2, y2, c2] = parsed[1];
const [x3, y3, c3] = parsed[2];

return gauss([[x2 - x1, y2 - y1], [x3 - x2, y3 - y2]], [c1 - c2, c2 - c3]);
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function gauss(A, x) {
// thanks to
var i, k, j;

// Just make a single matrix
for (i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
var n = A.length;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Search for maximum in this column
var maxEl = abs(A[i][i]),
maxRow = i;
for (k = i + 1; k < n; k++) {
if (abs(A[k][i]) > maxEl) {
maxEl = abs(A[k][i]);
maxRow = k;

// Swap maximum row with current row (column by column)
for (k = i; k < n + 1; k++) {
var tmp = A[maxRow][k];
A[maxRow][k] = A[i][k];
A[i][k] = tmp;

// Make all rows below this one 0 in current column
for (k = i + 1; k < n; k++) {
var c = -A[k][i] / A[i][i];
for (j = i; j < n + 1; j++) {
if (i === j) {
A[k][j] = 0;
} else {
A[k][j] += c * A[i][j];

// Solve equation Ax=b for an upper triangular matrix A
x = array_fill(0, n, 0);
for (i = n - 1; i > -1; i--) {
x[i] = A[i][n] / A[i][i];
for (k = i - 1; k > -1; k--) {
A[k][n] -= A[k][i] * x[i];

return x;
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function array_fill(i, n, v) {
var a = [];
for (; i < n; i++) {
return a;
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function drawNewtonTriangulation3D(triangulation, scene) {
triangulation.forEach(face => {
const projectedUp = =>, i) => (i === 2 ? maxCoeff + 0.5 : k))
addFace(projectedUp, scene, { wireframe: true });
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function drawNewtonTriangulation2D(triangulation, context, options) {
const opts = Object.assign({ gridStep: gridStep }, options);

for (let i = 0; i < triangulation.length; ++i) {
const t = triangulation[i];
triangle(t, context, { color: "gray", lineWidth: 3 });

points.forEach(p =>
circle([p[0] * opts.gridStep, p[1] * opts.gridStep, 4], context)
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function drawTropicalCurve(triangulation, polynom, context, options) {
const opts = Object.assign({ gridStep: gridStep, r: 4 }, options);
const tropicalPoints = findTropicalPoints(
const angles = findAngles(triangulation);
const neighbors = findNeighbors(triangulation);

tropicalPoints.forEach((p, i) => {
circle([...p, opts.r], context);

neighbors[i].forEach((n, j) => {
if (n !== 0 && !n) {
const inf = coordsFromDeg(angles[i][j] - 90, 1000, p);
line(p, inf, context);
} else {
const neigbor = tropicalPoints[n];
line(p, neigbor, context);
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function draw3DHull(hull, scene) {

for (let [i1, i2, i3] of hull) {
const face = [points[i1], points[i2], points[i3]];
const color = randomColor();
addFace(face, scene, { color });
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function drawGrid2D(context, gs = gridStep) {
for (let i = -gridSize; i < gridSize; ++i) {
for (let j = -gridSize; j < gridSize; ++j) {
const color = "rgba(200, 200, 200, 1)";
line([i * gs, 0], [i * gs, j * gs], context, { color });
line([0, i * gs], [j * gs, i * gs], context, { color });
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function drawExamplePolynomialCurve() {
const context = DOM.context2d(300, 300);
context.translate(150, 150);

circle([0, 0, 3], context);
textAt([5, 15], "(0,0)", 11, context);
line([0, 0], [-300, 0], context);
line([0, 0], [0, 300], context);
line([0, 0], [300, -300], context);

// arrows
context.moveTo(-149, 0);
context.lineTo(-139, 5);
context.lineTo(-139, -5);

context.moveTo(0, 149);
context.lineTo(5, 139);
context.lineTo(-5, 139);

context.moveTo(149, -149);
context.lineTo(135, -141);
context.lineTo(142, -133);

return context.canvas;
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function findNeighbor([l1, l2], faceIndex, triangulation) {
let neighbor = false;

for (let i = 0; i < triangulation.length; ++i) {
if (i === faceIndex) continue;

const [p1, p2, p3] = triangulation[i];
const lines = [[p1, p2], [p2, p3], [p3, p1]];
lines.forEach(([p1, p2]) => {
const p1Match = dist2D(p1, l1) === 0 || dist2D(p1, l2) === 0;
const p2Match = dist2D(p2, l1) === 0 || dist2D(p2, l2) === 0;
if (p1Match && p2Match) {
neighbor = i;

return neighbor;
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function findAngles(triangulation) {
const res = [];

triangulation.forEach(([p1, p2, p3]) => {
getAlphaBetweenPoints(p1, p2),
getAlphaBetweenPoints(p2, p3),
getAlphaBetweenPoints(p3, p1)

return res;
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function findNeighbors(triangulation) {
const res = [];

for (let i = 0; i < triangulation.length; ++i) {
const [p1, p2, p3] = triangulation[i];
const lines = [[p1, p2], [p2, p3], [p3, p1]];

const neighbors = [];
for (let l of lines) {
neighbors.push(findNeighbor(l, i, triangulation));

return res;
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function findTropicalPoints(triangulation, poly, gs = gridStep) {
const res = [];

triangulation.forEach((t, i) => {
const term = findTermsFromPoints(t, poly);
const p = solveEquation(term).map(v => v * gs);

return res;
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function findTermsFromPoints(points, poly) {
const res = [];

for (let [x, y, z] of points) {
poly.forEach(({ point, term }, i) => {
const [px, py, pz] = point;
if (px === x && py === y && pz === z) res.push(term);

return res;
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function findNewtonTriangulation(p) {
const hull = qh3D(p);
const hullUpperFaces = [];

for (let [i1, i2, i3] of hull) {
const face = [p[i1], p[i2], p[i3]];
const [f, _] = makeFace(face);
const normals = f.normal;
const isUpper = normals.angleTo(new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0)) >= Math.PI / 2;
const areaNotNull = areaTriangle(...face) > 0;
if (isUpper && areaNotNull) {

return hullUpperFaces;
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function newtonTriangulation2D(points, options) {
const opts = Object.assign({ gridStep: gridStep }, options);

const triangulation = findNewtonTriangulation(points);
const projected = projectTo2D(triangulation, opts);

// filter triangles that are colinear
const res = [];
for (let i = 0; i < projected.length; ++i) {
if (areaTriangle(...projected[i]) > 0) {

return res;
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function projectTo2D(faces, options) {
const opts = Object.assign({ gridStep: gridStep }, options);
return => => [v[0] * opts.gridStep, v[1] * opts.gridStep])
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function addCube([x, z, y], scene, options) {
const opts = Object.assign({ color: 0x000000, r: 2 }, options);

const geometry = new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry(opts.r, opts.r, opts.r);
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: opts.color });
const cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
cube.position.set(x * gridStep, y * gridStep, z * gridStep);
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function addLine([[x1, z1, y1], [x2, z2, y2]], scene, options) {
const opts = Object.assign(
{ color: "rgba(100,100,100,1)", linewidth: 2 },

const geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
new THREE.Vector3(x1 * gridStep, y1 * gridStep, z1 * gridStep),
new THREE.Vector3(x2 * gridStep, y2 * gridStep, z2 * gridStep)
const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
color: opts.color,
linewidth: opts.linewidth
const line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);

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function addPolygon(p, scene) {
const points = p.slice().sort(([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) => x1 - x2);
const geometry = new THREE.Geometry();

// const pl = points.length;
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; ++i) {
const [x, z, y] = points[i];
new THREE.Vector3(x * gridStep, y * gridStep, z * gridStep)
if (i >= 2) {
geometry.faces.push(new THREE.Face3(i - 2, i - 1, i));

const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: "rgba(200, 200, 200, 1)",
side: THREE.DoubleSide
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
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function addFace(points, scene, options) {
const opts = Object.assign({ color: 0x000000, wireframe: false }, options);

const [face, geometry] = makeFace(points);

const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: opts.color,
wireframe: opts.wireframe,
side: THREE.DoubleSide

const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

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function addGrid([x, y], scene, options) {
const opts = Object.assign({ color: 0x000000 }, options);
const points = [];

let counter = 0;
for (let i = -x; i < x; ++i) {
for (let j = -y; j < y; ++j) {
const c = [i, j, 0];

if (points.length > 1 && j !== -x) {
addLine([points[counter - 1], c], scene);
counter += 1;

if (i > -x) {
addLine([points[counter - 1], points[counter - y - x - 1]], scene);
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function makeFace(points) {
const geometry = new THREE.Geometry();

for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
new THREE.Vector3(
points[i][0] * gridStep,
points[i][2] * gridStep,
points[i][1] * gridStep

const face = new THREE.Face3(0, 1, 2);


return [face, geometry];
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scene = {
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
scene.background = new THREE.Color(0xffffff);

addGrid([gridSize, gridSize], scene);

const hull2D = convexHull2D({ point }) => [point[0], point[1]]));
addPolygon(hull2D, scene);

poly.forEach(({ point }) => {
addCube(point, scene, { color: "red", r: 5 });
addLine([point, [point[0], point[1], 0]], scene);
addCube([point[0], point[1], 0], scene, { r: 4 });

const hull = qh3D(points);
draw3DHull(hull, scene);
const triangulation = findNewtonTriangulation(points);
drawNewtonTriangulation3D(triangulation, scene);

yield scene;
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camera = {
const fov = 50;
const near = 0.1;
const far = 10000;
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(fov, 1, near, far);
camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0));
camera.position.set(500, 1800, 1500);

yield camera;
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function randomColor() {
return `rgba(${Math.floor(Math.random() * 255)},
${Math.floor(Math.random() * 255)},
${Math.floor(Math.random() * 255)},1)`;
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function buildPoly(polynom) {
const terms = toConventionalNotation(polynom);
const points = => parseTerm(t));
const res = [];

for (let i = 0; i < points.length; ++i) {
res.push({ point: points[i], term: terms[i] });

return res;
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function toConventionalNotation(polynom) {
const splited = polynom.split("+");

const prodAsSum = => {
const asSum = term.replace(/(\(|\))/g, "").replace(/\*/g, "+");
const sumTerms = asSum.split("+");
const withExponent = => {
const [base, exp] = t.split("^");
return exp ? `${exp}${base}` : t;
return withExponent.join("+").replace(/\s/g, "");

return prodAsSum;
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function parseTerm(t) {
const term = t.replace(/\s/g, "");

let xTerm = term.match(/\(?-?\d*\/?\d*\)?\*?x/g) || ["0"];
let yTerm = term.match(/\(?-?\d*\/?\d*\)?\*?y/g) || ["0"];
let constantTerm = term.split("+").filter(v => !v.match(/(x|y)/g));

// defaults
if (constantTerm.length === 0) constantTerm = ["0"];
if (xTerm[0] === "x") xTerm = ["1"];
if (xTerm[0] === "-x") xTerm = ["-1"];
if (yTerm[0] === "y") yTerm = ["1"];
if (yTerm[0] === "-y") yTerm = ["-1"];

// cleanup
xTerm = => cleanUpTerm(v))[0];
yTerm = => cleanUpTerm(v))[0];
constantTerm = => cleanUpTerm(v))[0];

return [xTerm, yTerm, constantTerm];
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function cleanUpTerm(term) {
// first time ever i use eval ... not sure if evil or right...
return eval(term.replace(/(\(|\)|\*|x|y)/g, ""));
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maxCoeff = points.reduce(
(acc, curr) => (curr[2] >= acc ? curr[2] : acc),
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points ={ point }) => point)
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import {
} from '@timhau/geometry'
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