Feb 3, 2021
7 stars
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// Load the data with `d3.csv()`
raw_data = d3.csv(
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top_10_countries = {
// Get the most recent year
const max_year = d3.max(raw_data, d => d.year);

// Return the names of the 10 countries with the highest co2 emissions in the most recent year
return raw_data
.filter(d => d.year == max_year) // only look at the most recent year
.filter(d => d.iso_code !== "" && d.iso_code !== "OWID_WRL") // only keep countries (not regions)
.sort((a, b) => b.co2 - a.co2) // sort by co2 value
.filter((d, i) => i < 10) // only return top 10 countries
.map(d =>;
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// Filter down the data to the top 10 countries
filtered_data = raw_data
.filter(d => top_10_countries.includes( // only keep the top 10 countries from most recent year
.filter(d => +d.year > 2000) // start in 2000
.map(d => ({ country:, name: +d.year, co2: +d.co2 })) // only return columns of interest
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// Resturcture data with one object for each date (with keys for each state)
data_for_stack = aq
.from(filtered_data) // create an arquero table from the data
.groupby('name') // group by year
.pivot("country", "co2") // create a "column" for each country, populated with co2 values
.objects() // return JavaScript objects
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co2_series = d3
// create a layer for each country
.keys(top_10_countries)(data_for_stack) // apply that function to your data
.map(d => (d.forEach(v => (v.key = d.key)), d)) // iterate through the data and set the key
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// Import the chart and the x scale with our series
import { chart, x, color } with {
co2_series as series
} from "@d3/stacked-bar-chart"
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// Set the domain using the unique values of the year variable
x.domain(_.uniqBy(data_for_stack, d => =>
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// Set the domain of the color scale
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// Show the chart!
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d3 = require("d3")
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import { swatches } from "@d3/color-legend"
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_ = require("lodash")
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import {
data as d3_example_data,
chart as d3_chart,
key as d3_key
} from "@d3/stacked-bar-chart"
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import { aq, op } from "@uwdata/arquero"
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import {
} from "@uw-info474/utilities"
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