Nov 16, 2023
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
// load Arrow bytes from attachment, then create an Arquero table
gaia_sample = aq.fromArrow(await FileAttachment('gaia-sample.arrow').arrayBuffer())
Insert cell
// select a subset of columns and show the first 10 rows
.select('ra', 'dec', 'parallax', 'phot_g_mean_mag', 'bp_rp')
Insert cell
Insert cell
// group data into bins and count the number of records
gaia_sample_bins = gaia_sample
ra: d => op.bin(d.ra, 0, 360, 2.5), // 0 = start, 360 = stop, 2.5 = step
dec: d => op.bin(d.dec, -100, 100, 2.5)
Insert cell
// plot the binned data as sized circles
vl.markCircle({ opacity: 0.9 })
vl.x().fieldQ('ra').scale({ domain: [0, 360] }),
vl.size().fieldQ('count').scale({ range: [0, 100] })
.config({ axis: { domain: false, grid: false }, view: { stroke: null } })
Insert cell
Insert cell
vl.markCircle({ size: 1, blend: 'lighten' })
vl.x().fieldQ('ra').scale({ domain: [0, 360] }),
vl.color().fieldQ('bp_rp').scale({ domain: [-1, 4], scheme: 'plasma' }).legend(null)
axis: { domain: false, grid: false, labelColor: '#888', titleColor: '#888' },
view: { stroke: null }
Insert cell
Insert cell
vl.markCircle({ size: 1, blend: 'lighten' })
type: 'mollweide',
rotate: [90, 22, -60]
vl.color().fieldQ('bp_rp').scale({ domain: [-1, 4], scheme: 'plasma' }).legend(null)
.config({ view: { stroke: null } })
Insert cell
Insert cell
gaia_parallax = aq.fromArrow(await FileAttachment('gaia-parallax-sample.arrow').arrayBuffer())
Insert cell
Insert cell
gaia_parallax_bins = gaia_parallax
.filter(d => op.is_finite(d.bp_rp))
color: d => op.bin(d.bp_rp, -4, 7, 0.05),
mag: d => op.bin(d.phot_g_mean_mag, 2, 24, 0.1),
Insert cell
Insert cell
vl.markPoint({ size: 9, shape: 'square', opacity: 1, filled: true, clip: true })
.scale({ zero: false, domain: [-0.5, 4.5] })
.axis({ tickCount: 5, title: '← warmer BP-RP Color cooler →' }),
.scale({ zero: false, domain: [21, 2] })
.axis({ title: '← dimmer Magnitude brighter →' }),
.scale({ type: 'sqrt', scheme: 'plasma' })
axis: { domain: false, grid: false, labelColor: '#888', titleColor: '#888' },
view: { stroke: null }
.padding({ left: 5, right: 20, top: 10, bottom: 5 })
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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