May 12, 2021
2 forks
74 stars
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table2.view({ height: 400 })
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// Compute rate per 10,000
.derive({ rate: d => d.cases / d.population * 10000 })
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// Compute cases per year
.rollup({ cases: op.sum('cases') })
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// Visualize changes over time
vl.markLine({ point: true })
vl.x().fieldQ('year').axis({ tickMinStep: 1, format: 'd' }),
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viewof fold4a = table4a
.fold(['1999', '2000'], { as: ['year', 'cases'] })
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viewof fold4b = table4b
.fold(['1999', '2000'], { as: ['year', 'population'] })
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.groupby('country', 'year')
.pivot('type', 'count')
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.spread({ rate: d => op.split(d.rate, '/') }, { as: ['cases', 'population' ] })
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// this time coercing split values to numbers
.spread({ rate: d => op.split(d.rate, '/') }, { as: ['cases', 'population' ] })
.derive({ cases: d => +d.cases, population: d => +d.population })
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viewof table5 = table3
.spread({ year: d => op.match(d.year, /.{2}/g) }, { as: ['century', 'year'] })
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.derive({ new: d => `${d.century}_${d.year}` }, { before: 'year' })
.select(aq.not('year', 'century'))
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.derive({ new: d => +`${d.century}${d.year}` }, { before: 'year' })
.select(aq.not('year', 'century'))
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stocks = aq.table({
year: [2015, 2015, 2015, 2015, 2016, 2016, 2016],
qtr: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4],
return: [1.88, 0.59, 0.35, null, 0.92, 0.17, 2.66]
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.pivot('year', 'return')
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.pivot('year', 'return')
.fold(['2015', '2016'], { as: ['year', 'return'] })
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.pivot('year', 'return')
.fold(['2015', '2016'], { as: ['year', 'return'] })
.filter(d => d.return != null)
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.impute({ return: () => 0 })
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// expand rows to include all year x qtr combinations
.impute({ return: () => null }, { expand: ['year', 'qtr'] })
.orderby('year', 'qtr')
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viewof treatment = aq.table({
person: ['Derrick Whitmore', null, null, 'Katherine Burke'],
treatment: [1, 2, 3, 1],
response: [7, 10, 9, 4]
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// fill missing values in a downward direction
.derive({ person: op.fill_down('person') })
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// Note: NA values from R show up here as 'NA' strings
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viewof who1 = who
.fold(aq.range('new_sp_m014', 'newrel_f65'), { as: ['key', 'cases' ] })
.filter(d => d.cases !== 'NA')
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viewof who2 = who1
.derive({ key: d => op.replace(d.key, 'newrel', 'new_rel') })
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viewof who3 = who2
.spread({ key: d => op.split(d.key, '_') }, { as: ['new', 'type', 'sexage'] })
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// check count of unique new values -- it matches the total row count!
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// drop the new, iso2, and iso3 columns
who4 = who3
.select(aq.not('new', 'iso2', 'iso3'))
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viewof who5 = who4
sex: d => d.sexage[0],
age: d => op.slice(d.sexage, 1)
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// collapse operations above into a single pipeline
.fold(aq.range('new_sp_m014', 'newrel_f65'), { as: ['key', 'cases' ] })
.filter(d => d.cases !== 'NA')
.derive({ key: d => op.replace(d.key, 'newrel', 'new_rel') })
.spread({ key: d => op.split(d.key, '_') }, { as: ['new', 'type', 'sexage'] })
sex: d => d.sexage[0],
age: d => op.slice(d.sexage, 1)
.select(aq.not('new', 'iso2', 'iso3', 'sexage'))
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// further compress using regular expression matching
.fold(aq.range('new_sp_m014', 'newrel_f65'), { as: ['key', 'cases' ] })
.filter(d => d.cases !== 'NA')
.reify() // reallocates new table without filtered rows
.derive({ key: d => op.replace(d.key, 'newrel', 'new_rel') })
.spread({ key: d => op.match(d.key, /new_([a-z]{2})_(m|f)(\d+)/) }, { as: ['new', 'type', 'sex', 'age'] })
.select(aq.not('new', 'iso2', 'iso3'))
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aq.fromCSV(crime_csv(), { header: false }) // <- parse CSV data, provided by the crime_csv method
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aq.fromCSV(crime_csv(), { header: false, names: ['year', 'rate'] }) // <- provide column names
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aq.fromCSV(crime_csv(), { header: false, names: ['year', 'rate'] })
.filter(d => d.year != null || d.rate != null) // <-- remove if both columns are empty
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aq.fromCSV(crime_csv(), { header: false, names: ['year', 'rate'] })
.filter(d => d.year != null || d.rate != null)
state: d => op.match(d.year, /Reported crime in (.*)/, 1) // <- extract state name
}, { before: 0 }) // <- make new column the first column in the output table
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aq.fromCSV(crime_csv(), { header: false, names: ['year', 'rate'] })
.filter(d => d.year != null || d.rate != null)
state: d => op.fill_down(op.match(d.year, /Reported crime in (.*)/, 1)) // <- also fill in state names
}, { before: 0 })
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aq.fromCSV(crime_csv(), { header: false, names: ['year', 'rate'] })
.filter(d => d.year != null || d.rate != null)
state: d => op.fill_down(op.match(d.year, /Reported crime in (.*)/, 1)) // <- extract state name
}, { before: 0 })
.filter(d => d.rate != null) // <-- or, we could delete when year column starts with "Reported crime in"
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