Apr 28, 2021
1 fork
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Result = ({
Ok: (data) => ({ type: 'Ok', data }),
Err: (data) => ({ type: 'Err', data })
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function match(err, ok, variant) {
switch(variant.type) {
case 'Ok':
return ok(;
case 'Err':
return err(;
return null;
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const Val = ['hello'];

const Uppercase = (str) => [to_uppercase(str)];
const Exclaim = (str) => [exclaim(str)];

const one = Val.flatMap(Uppercase).flatMap(Exclaim);
const two = Val.flatMap(v => Uppercase(v).flatMap(Exclaim));
return [one.join(','), two.join(',')];
Insert cell
function to_uppercase(str) {
return str.toUpperCase();
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function exclaim(str) {
return str + '!!';
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function chain(ok, data) {
return match(Result.Err, ok, data);
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chain_assoc_one = {
const Val = Result.Ok('hello');

const Uppercase = (str) => Result.Ok(to_uppercase(str));
const Exclaim = (str) => Result.Ok(exclaim(str));

return chain(Exclaim, chain(Uppercase, Val));
Insert cell
chain_assoc_two = {
const Val = Result.Ok('hello');

const Uppercase = (str) => Result.Ok(to_uppercase(str));
const Exclaim = (str) => Result.Ok(exclaim(str));

return chain(v => chain(Exclaim, Uppercase(v)), Val);
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function unwrap(data) {
return match(Result.Err, value => value, data);
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unwrap(chain_assoc_one) === unwrap(chain_assoc_two)
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const Val = ['hello'];
const Id =;
return [Val.join(', '), Id.join(', ')];
Insert cell
function identity(arg) {
return arg;
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const Val = ['hello'];

const one = => exclaim(to_uppercase(v)));
const two =;
return [one.join(', '), two.join(', ')];
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function map(fn, data){
return chain(v => Result.Ok(fn(v)), data);
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functor_iden_one = {
return map(identity, Result.Ok('hello'));
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functor_iden_two = {
return Result.Ok('hello');
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unwrap(functor_iden_one) === unwrap(functor_iden_two);
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functor_comp_one = {
const Val = Result.Ok('hello');
return map(v => exclaim(to_uppercase(v)), Val);
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functor_comp_two = {
const Val = Result.Ok('hello');
return map(exclaim, map(to_uppercase, Val));
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unwrap(functor_comp_one) === unwrap(functor_comp_two)
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function ap(result, data) {
return chain(v => map(fn => fn(v), result), data);
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apply_comp_one = {
const Val = Result.Ok('hello');

const composition = fx => gx => arg => fx(gx(arg));
const Uppercase = Result.Ok(to_uppercase);
const Exclaim = Result.Ok(exclaim);

return ap(ap(map(composition, Exclaim), Uppercase), Val);
Insert cell
apply_comp_two = {
const Val = Result.Ok('hello');

const Uppercase = Result.Ok(to_uppercase);
const Exclaim = Result.Ok(exclaim);

return ap(Exclaim, ap(Uppercase, Val));
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unwrap(apply_comp_one) === unwrap(apply_comp_two);
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const Title = Result.Ok('Dr. ');
const Name = Result.Ok('Acula');

const concat = (one, two) => one.concat(two);

return liftA2(concat, Title, Name);
Insert cell
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function liftA2(fn, R1, R2) {
const curried = a => b => fn(a, b);
return ap(map(curried, R1), R2);
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function liftA3(fn, R1, R2, R3) {
const curried = a => b => c => fn(a, b, c);
return ap(ap(map(curried, R1), R2), R3);
Insert cell
Insert cell
liftN = {
function curry(arity, fn, ...args) {
if(arity <= args.length) {
return fn(...args);

return curry.bind(null, arity, fn, ...args);

const apply = (arg, fn) => fn(arg);
const pipe = (fns) => (arg) => fns.reduce(apply, arg);

return function(fn, R1, ...RN) {
const arity = RN.length + 1;
const curried = curry(arity, fn);

const flipped = data => R => ap(R, data);
const _ap = pipe(;

return _ap(map(curried, R1));
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const concat = (one, => one.concat(;

return liftN(
Result.Ok('Hello, '),
Result.Ok('. '),
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(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve('hello'); }))
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function of(value) {
return Result.Ok(value);
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applicative_iden_one = {
return ap(of(identity), Result.Ok('hello'));
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applicative_iden_two = {
return Result.Ok('hello');
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unwrap(applicative_iden_one) === unwrap(applicative_iden_two);
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applicative_hom_one = {
return ap(of(exclaim), of('hello'));
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applicative_hom_two = {
return of(exclaim('hello'));
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unwrap(applicative_hom_one) === unwrap(applicative_hom_two);
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applicative_inter_one = {
const value = 'hello';
const Exclaim = of(exclaim);

return ap(Exclaim, of(value));
Insert cell
applicative_inter_two = {
const value = 'hello';
const Exclaim = Result.Ok(exclaim);

return ap(of(fn => fn(value)), Exclaim);
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unwrap(applicative_inter_one) === unwrap(applicative_inter_two);
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monad_li_one = {
return chain(exclaim, of('hello'));
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monad_li_two = {
return exclaim('hello');
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monad_li_one === monad_li_two;
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Insert cell
function get_config() {
const config = fakeLocalStorage.getItem('config');

return config
? Result.Ok(config)
: Result.Err({ message: 'Config not found' });
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function safe_parse(data) {
try {
return Result.Ok(JSON.parse(data));
} catch(e) {
return Result.Err(e);
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map(safe_parse, get_config());
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Insert cell
Insert cell
const one = chain(identity, of('{"dark-mode":true}'));
const two = identity('{"dark-mode":true}');
return [one, two];
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function join(data) {
return match(Result.Err, identity, data);
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join(map(safe_parse, get_config()));
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chain(safe_parse, get_config());
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monad_ri_one = {
return chain(of, Result.Ok('hello'));
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monad_ri_two = {
return Result.Ok('hello');
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unwrap(monad_ri_one) === unwrap(monad_ri_two);
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Insert cell
function simpler_map(fn, data){
return chain(v => of(fn(v)), data);
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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