marginLeft: 0,
color: {
className: "large-font",
legend: true,
opacity: 0.9,
domain: [
"Asia (excl. China)",
range: ["#ef1620", "#00309a", "#972c90", "#d7477a", "#f77b68", "#ffb56b"]
style: { fontSize: "14px" },
title: html`<h1>Most of the world's new renewable capacity comes from <span style = 'color: #ef1620'>China</span></h1>`,
subtitle: html`<h3 style='color: grey'>Renewables, Net Additions (GW)<h3>`,
caption: "Source: IRENA • Graphic: Yusuf Imaad Khan / @yusuf_i_k",
legend: { swatchHeight: 50 },
x: {
type: "band",
nice: true,
ticks: [
new Date("2001-01-01"),
new Date("2006-01-01"),
new Date("2011-01-01"),
new Date("2016-01-01"),
new Date("2021-01-01"),
new Date("2023-01-01")
y: {
nice: true,
ticks: 4,
label: null,
domain: [0, 500]
marks: [
Plot.axisY({ anchor: "right", label: null, nice: true }),
Plot.frame({ anchor: "right" }),
Plot.rectY(data, {
x: "year",
y: "value",
fill: "name",
tip: true,
stroke: "white",
order: "sum",
reverse: true,
opacity: 0.9
`"Looking at global renewables growth rates is hugely misleading. There is not one single energy transition but a series of regional transitions of widely varying form, pace and scope. The outsized materiality of one — China’s — means global figures veil more than they reveal. They currently look impressive because, and only because, China’s do."\n\n — Brett Christophers`
frameAnchor: "top-left",
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fontSize: 18,
lineWidth: 30,
lineHeight: 1.3,
fill: "black",
stroke: "white",
strokeWidth: 3