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<!-- You can also put some things static in here, like the main Landguzzlers title and subtitle at the top. Those are not drawn from data, so can be static. -->
<!--TITLE: start at x=9.5 -->
<text text-anchor="start" x=9.5 y=38 class="title">Land guzzlers</text>
<text text-anchor="start" x=9.5 y=60 class="title-sub">The ecological footprints of our pets can make SUVs look positively eco-friendly</text>
<text x="560" y="30" class="logo">©NewScientist</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x=670.2222 y=91.4688 class="category">LARGE DOG</text>
<text text-anchor="start" class="category-sub" transform="translate(660,96)rotate(90)">Eco-footprint: 0.84</text>
<!--MED DOG-->
<text text-anchor="end" x=585.4089 y=177.4688 class="category">MEDIUM-SIZED DOG</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x =565.4089 y=202 class="category-sub">CONSUMPTION PER YEAR</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x =565.4089 y=217 class="category-sub">164kg of meat, 95kg of cereals</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x =565.4089 y=232 class="category-sub">43.3m of land per 1kg of chicken (more for beef and lamb), 13.4m of land per 1kg of cereals</text>
<text text-anchor="start" class="category-sub" transform="translate(575.4089,185.468) rotate(90)">Eco-footprint: 0.84 hectares</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x=408.8448 y=354 class="category">TOYOTA LAND CRUISER</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x=388.8448 y=372 class="category-sub">10,000km DRIVEN PER YEAR</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x=388.8448 y=382 class="category-sub">55.1 gigajoules (includes energy required to fuel and construct)</text>
<text text-anchor="start" class="category-sub" transform="translate(398.8448,360) rotate(90)">Eco-footprint: 0.41 hectares</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x=275 y=485 class="category-2">VOLKSWAGEN GOLF</text>
<text text-anchor="middle" x=225 y=515.7734 class="category">CAT</text>
<text text-anchor="start" class="category-sub" transform="translate(238,518) rotate(90)">Eco-footprint: 0.15 hectares</text>
<!--HAMSTER: left aligned next to black square-->
<text text-anchor="left" x=61 y=706 class="category-2">HAMSTER</text>
<text text-anchor="left" x=61 y=716 class="category-sub">Eco-footprint:</text>
<text text-anchor="left" x=61 y=726 class="category-sub">0.014 hectares</text>