Oct 5, 2023
Insert cell
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tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs@4.11.0')
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cv2 = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-core@4.11.0')
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viewof input = Inputs.text({label: "Input", value: "Hi", placeholder:"Input string"})
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canvas = {
const width= 40;
const height= 40
const context = DOM.context2d(width, height);
context.fillStyle = "black";
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.textBaseline = 'middle';
context.textAlign = 'center';

context.font = "37px sans-serif";
context.fillText(input, width/2, height/2);
// .measureText(textString ).width;
// context.fillText(input.value, 0, 0);
// = "hsl(216deg 20% 90%)";
return context.canvas;

Insert cell
Insert cell
function pDist (x, y) {
// Expand the dimensions of x and y so that they have the same shape.
const xExpanded = tf.expandDims(x, 1);
const yExpanded = tf.expandDims(y, 0);

// Calculate the pairwise squared distances between x and y.
const squaredDistances = tf.square(tf.sub(xExpanded, yExpanded));
console.log('squaredDistances:', squaredDistances)
// Reduce the sum of the squared distances across the feature dimension.
const distances = tf.sum(squaredDistances, -1);
console.log('distances:', distances)

return distances;
// // // const dx = x[:, None, :] - y[None, :, :]
// // // return tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(dx), -1)

// // Expand the input tensors so that they have the same dimensions
// x = tf.expandDims(x, 1);
// y = tf.expandDims(y, 0);
// console.log('x:', x)
// console.log('y:', y)
// // Compute the difference between the input tensors
// const dx = tf.sub(x, y);
// console.log('DX:', dx)
// // // Compute the square of the difference
// const dxSquared = tf.square(dx);
// console.log('dxSquared:', dxSquared)
// // // Reduce the sum of the squared differences over the last axis
// // const pdistMatrix = tf.sum(dxSquared);
// const pdistMatrix = tf.square().sum( -1);
// // const pdistMatrix = tf.reduceSum(dxSquared, -1);

// // const x = tf.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]);
// // const sum = tf.sum(x);
// // Return the pdist matrix
// return pdistMatrix;

// const dx = tf.sub(x.expandDims(1), y.expandDims(0));
// return tf.sum(tf.square(dx), -1);
Insert cell
async function sinkhornStep(C, f) {
// Compute the reduced log-sum-exp of -f - transpose(C) over the last axis
let axis = -1;
const g = tf.logSumExp(tf.concat([tf.neg(f), tf.transpose(C)], axis), axis);

// Update the f tensor
f = tf.logSumExp(tf.concat([tf.neg(g), C], axis), axis);

// Return the updated f and g tensors
return [f, g];
return [];
Insert cell
async function Sinkhorn(C, f = null, niter = 1000) {
// Get the number of elements in the cost matrix
const n = C.shape[0];

// Initialize the f tensor if it is not provided
if (f === null) {
f = tf.zeros([n], tf.float32);

// Perform the Sinkhorn iterations
let g;
for (let i = 0; i < niter; i++) {
// Perform a Sinkhorn step
[f, g] = await sinkhornStep(C, f);

// Compute the optimal transport matrix
const P = tf.exp(tf.expandDims(-f, 1) + tf.expandDims(-g, 0) + C).div(tf.cast(n, tf.float32));

// Return the optimal transport matrix, f, and g
return [P, f, g];
return []
Insert cell
Insert cell
async function drawPoints(p) {
const w = VIDEO_SIZE;

// Create a black image
const img = tf.zeros([w, w, 3], tf.uint8);

// Set the shift parameter
const shift = 2;

// Scale and offset the points
const pScaled = tf.add(tf.mul(p, w * 0.9 * 0.5), w / 2);
// const pInt32 = tf.cast(pScaled, tf.int32);
const pInt32 = tf.cast(pScaled, 'int32');
console.log('pInt32:', pInt32);
// // Draw circles on the image
// for (let i = 0; i < pInt32.shape[0]; i++) {
// const x = pInt32.get(i, 0);
// const y = pInt32.get(i, 1);

// await, [x, y], 12, [255, 255, 255], -1, cv2.CV_AA, shift=shift);
// }

// Return the image
return img;
Insert cell
canvasEnd = {
// const width= 100;
const height= 400
const context = DOM.context2d(width, height);
context.fillStyle = "black";
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
// context.fillStyle = "white";
// context.textBaseline = 'middle';
// context.textAlign = 'center';
// return generatePoints()
// const t = tf.linspace(0, 2 * Math.PI, 256);
// const x = tf.pow(tf.sin(t), 3) * 16;
// const y = tf.cos(t) * 13 - tf.cos(2 * t) * 5 - tf.cos(3 * t) * 2 - tf.cos(4 * t);
// // const pos0 = tf.concat([x.reshape([-1, 1]), y.reshape([-1, 1])], 1);
// return [x, y]
// }
// const pos0 = tf.concat([x, y]);

const pts = generatePoints('2');
const pts2 = generatePoints('7');

// const distances = pDist(pts, pts2)/(0.01)**2;
const distances = tf.pow(tf.div(pDist(pts, pts2),0.01), 2);
console.log('distances:', distances)
const [P, f, g] = await Sinkhorn(distances, 0, 20)
//const img = await drawPoints(pts);
// const img = drawPoints(pts);
context.fillStyle = "white";
const s = context.canvas.height*0.6
const dotSize = 3[x, y])=> {
// console.log(x,y)
// context.fillRect(s/2 + x*s,
// s/2 + y * s, dotSize, dotSize);
// context.fillRect(context.canvas.width/(2*window.devicePixelRatio) + x*s,
// context.canvas.height/(2*window.devicePixelRatio) + y * s, dotSize, dotSize);

context.arc(context.canvas.width/(2*window.devicePixelRatio) + x*s,
context.canvas.height/(2*window.devicePixelRatio) + y * s, dotSize, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
// return img;
// // Display the image
// const image = new Image();
// image.src = await img.toDataURL();
// image.onload = () => context.canvas.drawImage(image, 0, 0, VIDEO_SIZE, VIDEO_SIZE);

// // context.font = "70px sans-serif";
// // context.fillText(input, width/2, height/2);
// // // .measureText(textString ).width;
// // // context.fillText(input.value, 0, 0);
// // // = "hsl(216deg 20% 90%)";
return context.canvas;

Insert cell

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