Sep 8, 2023
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
mapContainer = html`<div style="height:500px"></div>`
Insert cell
countries = FileAttachment("countries.fgb")
Insert cell
Insert cell
wasmTable = flatgeobuf.readFlatGeobuf(
new Uint8Array(await countries.arrayBuffer())
Insert cell
Insert cell
table = {
const jsRecordBatches = [];
for (let i = 0; i < wasmTable.numBatches; ++i) {
const wasmRecordBatch = wasmTable.recordBatch(0).intoFFI();
const jsRecordBatch = arrowJsFfi.parseRecordBatch(

return new apacheArrow.Table(jsRecordBatches);
Insert cell
const recordBatch = table.batches[0];
const geometryColumnIdx = 2;

const geometryColumn = recordBatch.getChildAt(geometryColumnIdx);
const geometryOffsets =[0].valueOffsets;
const polygonOffsets = geometryColumn.getChildAt(0).data[0].valueOffsets;
const ringOffsets = geometryColumn.getChildAt(0).getChildAt(0)
const flatCoordinateArray = geometryColumn

const resolvedPolygonOffsets = new Int32Array(polygonOffsets.length);
for (let i = 0; i < resolvedPolygonOffsets.length; ++i) {
// Perform the lookup into the ringOffsets array using the polygonOffsets array
resolvedPolygonOffsets[i] = ringOffsets[polygonOffsets[i]];

// This is a total hack to show anything interesting.
// Change color according to vertex index :joy:
const fillColors = new Float32Array(flatCoordinateArray.length * 4);
for (let i = 0; i < flatCoordinateArray.length; ++i) {
fillColors[i * 4] = 0;
fillColors[i * 4 + 1] = i / flatCoordinateArray.length;
fillColors[i * 4 + 2] = i / flatCoordinateArray.length;
fillColors[i * 4 + 3] = 100 / 255;

const data = {
// Number of geometries (here exploding multi polygons)
length: polygonOffsets.length,
// Indices into coordinateArray where each polygon starts
startIndices: resolvedPolygonOffsets,
// Flat coordinates array
attributes: {
getPolygon: { value: flatCoordinateArray, size: 2 },
getFillColor: { value: fillColors, size: 4 }

const layer = new deck.SolidPolygonLayer({
// This is an Observable hack - changing the id will force the layer to refresh when the cell reevaluates
id: `layer-${}`,
// Skip normalization for binary data
_normalize: false,
// Counter-clockwise winding order
_windingOrder: "CCW",
// getFillColor: [0, 100, 60, 100],
getLineColor: [0, 0, 0, 255]

deckglMap.setProps({ layers: [layer] });
Insert cell
deckglMap = {
// This is an Observable hack: clear previously generated content
mapContainer.innerHTML = "";

return new deck.DeckGL({
// The HTML container to render into
container: mapContainer,
map: mapboxgl,

// Viewport settings
initialViewState: {
longitude: 0,
latitude: 0,
zoom: 1,
pitch: 0,
bearing: 0
controller: true
Insert cell
// Load the @geoarrow/flatgeobuf-wasm library
flatgeobuf = {
const flatgeobufModule = await import(
// Need to await the default export first to initialize the WebAssembly code
await flatgeobufModule.default();
return flatgeobufModule;
Insert cell
deck = require.alias({
h3: {}
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wasmMemory = flatgeobuf._memory()
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mapboxgl = require("mapbox-gl@1.6.0/dist/mapbox-gl.js")
Insert cell
apacheArrow = require("apache-arrow@12")
Insert cell
arrowJsFfi = require.alias({
"apache-arrow": apacheArrow
Insert cell

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