May 21, 2023
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
// normal random number generator using a seed
const rnorm = d3.randomNormal.source(d3.randomLcg(2));
// scale a set of numbers to be within the range [0, 1]
const unitify = (a) => { let lo=d3.min(a); let hi=d3.max(a); return (x) => (x - lo)/(hi - lo) ); }
// scale a set of numbers to have an SD of 1
// Cleveland, Diaconis, McGill. Science (1982)
// Suggested by Jeremy Wilmer
const scale_sd = (a) => { let avg=d3.mean(a); let sd=d3.deviation(a); return => (b-avg)/sd); }
// which scale to use
const scale_function = (scale_by == "Unit") ? unitify : scale_sd;

// generate x and y as normal distributions
var x = (Array.from({length: 200}, rnorm(0)));
var y = ( => rnorm(multiple * a, 1)()));
// get the ranks (integer order) of the numbers
const rank_x = scale_function(d3.rank(x));
const rank_y = scale_function(d3.rank(y));
// scale x and y from 0 to 1
x = scale_function(x);
y = scale_function(y);
// convert to indexable datums
let data = [];
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) {
data[i] = {x:x[i], y:y[i], rank_x:rank_x[i], rank_y:rank_y[i]};
// get the regression info (from Correll's code)
const fit_original = vega.regressionLinear(data, d=>d.x, d=>d.y);
const fit_rank = vega.regressionLinear(data, d=>d.rank_x, d=>d.rank_y);
const r_original = Math.sqrt(fit_original.rSquared);
const r_rank = Math.sqrt(fit_rank.rSquared);"#original_r").text( d3.format(".2f")(r_original) );"#ranked_r").text( d3.format(".2f")(r_rank) );
// plot it
return Plot.plot({
aspectRatio: 1,
height: 600,
inset: 30,
nice: true,
marks: [
Plot.frame(),, rank ? {x:rank_x, y:rank_y, fill:"red"} : {x:x, y:y, fill:"blue"}),
Plot.arrow(data, {x1:x, y1:y, x2:rank_x, y2:rank_y, opacity:arrows ? 0.5 : 0, fill: "black", stroke: "black"}),
Plot.linearRegressionY(data, rank?
{x:x, y:y, stroke:"red", opacity:linear_fit?1:0} :
{x:rank_x, y:rank_y, stroke:"blue", opacity:linear_fit?1:0})
Insert cell
viewof avg_vector = [0,0];
Insert cell
vega = import("")
Insert cell

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